Title: What Are The Check Points Of Magento Performance?
2Magento Ecommerce Platform
- Help you to evaluate current performance of
ecommerce store - Observe loading time
- Monitor your progress
- As being Magento specialist, our developers will
manage all the requirements and optimize
Magento development company
3Check Points For AWS
Check Points
- Index Management
- Log Cleaning
- Caching
- Apache Configuration
- PHP-FPM Configuration
- Opcode Cache
- Web Server Instance Type
- Auto Scaling
- Elasting Load Balancing (ELB)
Magento development company
4Index Management
- Indexing means Magento transforms your data to
improve performance
Need To Check
- Set index mode at Manual to avoid repetition or
re-indexing of product pages
Magento development company
5Log Cleaning
Built in log cleaning keeps your application fast
Need To Check
- Log cleaning should enable on daily and is set to
keep only 30-60 days data. So log table size will
not grow to large.
Magento development company
Caching settings have huge impact on ecommerce
Need To Check
- Magento development company eTatvaSoft
recommends that all cache types are enabled in
your production environment.
7Apache Configuration
Most popular web server
Need To Check
- Configure Apache to run on worker mode, if your
web server is using PHP-FPM
Magento development company
8PHP-FPM Configuration
PHP-FPM is simple robust FastCGI
Need To Check
- Make sure pm.max_children is not set too high as
to overload your server. - Calculate this setting
Magento development company
9Opcode Cache
It is system to cache the result of the PHP code
Need To Check
- APC / Zend OPcache is enabled or configured
- APC or Zend Opcache provides a great performance
boost for PHP. By default, Magento developers are
configured to always check to see, if code has
changed on every access.
10Web Server Instance Type
Amazone Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) are comprised
of varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage
networking capacities
Need To Check
- Are EC2 instance types used for your web server?
- Use compute optimized instance types like C3 or
C4. - Ensure your instances are EBS optimized for
volume performance
Magento development company
11Auto Scaling
AWS allows to maintain app availability by
horizontal scale up or down
Need To Check
- Use a cloudwatch CPU Alarm to automatically
trigger scale up/down of the web server
Magento development company
12Elasting Load Balancing (ELB)
It distributes traffic across all your EC2
Need To Check
- Distribute traffic across multiple web servers
using an ELB. - ELB can perform SSL management decryption
Magento development company
13Tools To Test Magento
- To evaluate current performance of your Magento
ecommerce store there are 3 tools - Dareboost
- Pingdom Tools
- GTmetrix
Magento development company
14Contact us
- If you want to open your online store, then you
can reach us from mail - info_at_etatvasoft.com
- www.etatvasoft.com
- Follow us on
- Twitter twitter.com/etatvasoft
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