Title: Female GP in Richlands
1General Practice (GP) Bulk Billing Doctors In
Richlands - Richlands Medical Centre
forestlakedoctors.com.au /locations/richlands
Forest Lake - Richlands
Forest Lake Doctors Services in Richlands
Forest Lake Doctors provide undaunted medical
assistance and treatment for the following
Mental Health Mens Health Womens Health
Childrens Health Allied Health Skin Cancer,
The doctors in Richlands use the best forms of
treatment from general problems like fever and
cold to acute health issues like skin cancer
treatment, surgeries, etc.
Where to Reach in Case of a Medical Emergency?
In case of a medical emergency or accident you
should take the patient/victim straight to the
health care medical centre in Richlands where the
100 bulk billed doctors provide the necessary
treatment and services.
Lease note, that in case there is a medical
emergency that needs immediate attention from the
doctors, all prior appointments shall be put on
hold or postponed unless a replacement of the
doctor is provided.
Bulk Billing Doctors
You will be accountable for the services of bulk
billing doctors only if you have been registered
under any of the following four points
Registered with Medicare Registered with Veterans
Care You are a Pension Card Holder You hold any
Healthcare Card
Bulk billing means you will not have to pay for
your treatment and your treatment should be bulk
billed through your card.
Book your appointment with the doctor for general
health checkups or other chronic health issues by
call on 07 3278 8877.
Our Group Of Medical Centres
When the Surgery is Closed, call 247 Doctor
2Free Call 1800 247 477