Title: 100% MYCELIUM Magic Mushroom Growkit
1100 MYCELIUM Magic Mushroom Growkits
2What we Offer?
TruffleMagic offers exclusive 100 Mycelium-kits,
which grow more mushrooms, in less time with less
effort! than standard kits. The McKennai which is
the strongest Mushroom around, and also the
Golden Teacher, the Colombian, the Ecuador, the
Mexican, the Mazatapec, the Thai, the B. And of
course, we also offer the standard grow kits for
a tiny price!
3What and Who is Truffle Magic?
Truffle Magic stands for the best quality in the
market, thanks to a unique and professional
breeding process. Truffle Magic is the largest
and oldest (experienced) grower in the
Grow your own Magic Mushrooms easily with these
grow kits! All you need is water and some
4Here are some of our products
5100 MYCELIUM Magic Mushroom Grow kit B
TruffleMagics 100 Mycelium kits are 100
colonized by mycelium substrate to get the best
yields possible. The B is a very populair
strain, highly sought after for her large fruits.
Users reported sizes growing upto 35 cm (14?),
with caps upto 7,5 cm (3?) in later flushes.
There is truly nothing else like it!
6100 Mycelium Magic Mushroom Grow kit Thai
The Thai, also often called Koh Samui for its
founding place. It was discovered by
enthomycologist John Allen during his travels
through Thailand in 1991. In Thailand they have a
monthly Full Moon Festival to eat and honour
their sacred mushrooms, or cloud mushrooms as
they call them. Now we understand why! The Thai
is often considered to be the best party-shroom.
7100 Mycelium Magic Mushroom Grow kit Mazatapec
The Mazatapec (or Maz) is an easy growing magic
mushroom. The strain was found near Mazatapec in
Mexico but never really got the attention it
deserved until recent times. Like our other
Mexican strains, this one is very special and
spiritual. These magic mushrooms grow a bit
slower than the others, but the wait is more than
worth it.
8100 Mycelium Magic Mushroom Growkit Mexican
The Mexican is one of the most common mushrooms,
used by Dr. Albert Hoffman in the first isolation
of psilocybin and psilocin. The Aztex call it the
sacred Teonanacatl or Gods Flesh. This
shroom works well for every tripper. It will
bring you in a visionary state of consciousness,
providing new thoughts and insights.
9100 Mycelium Magic Mushroom Grow kit ECUADOR
The Ecuador is one of the more populair strains,
and very recognizable as a real cubensis. Thanks
to its long meaty stem with a large
caramel-colored cap they are easily recognized by
real psychonauts and mycologists. This strain
was discovered in the beautiful Andes mountains
of Ecuador, at 1100 meter altitude. These
mushrooms are as robust as the habitat they
10100 Mycelium Magic Mushroom Grow kit COLOMBIAN
Would you like a both powerful and philosophical
experience? Then the colombian strain is made for
you! First found in Colombia, this strain from
the Cubensis mushroom is one of the stronger
varieties, but a bad trip is very unlikely.
This magic mushroom will kick in calmly, and
you wont be dominated immediately with extreme
11100 MYCELIUM Magic Mushroom Grow kit McKennaii
Named after Terence McKenna, the godfather of the
psychedelic movement, the McKennaii is a rather
new strain of magic mushroom. She is stronger
than the once populair Hawaiian, which is much
tougher to cultivate and grow. This magic
mushroom will blow your mind and its definitely
intended for the advanced psychonaut.
12100 Mycelium Magic Mushroom Growkit GOLDEN
Are you in for a true shamanistic experience and
do you want a deep journey? Then choose the
Golden Teacher, because she always has something
to teach you. The Golden Teacher is a robust,
meaty magic mushroom with gold caps. The origin
of this strain is absolutely unknown and perhaps
that makes her even more magical