Title: r Energia Fotovoltaica
Raffaele Tognacca
Masters in the ENERGY sector
2Masters in the energy sector, he held positions
of responsibility in important Swiss and Italian
energy companies. Early in his career, at age 25,
Rafael was for 8 years Director General of the
municipality businesses of Bellinzona. Later with
a collaboration with a major energy producer in
3Renewable Energy
Renewable energy, natural forms of energy that
can be utilized, while maintaining themselves.
The most important are hydropower , wind , solar
and biomass energy. Also, geothermal energy (from
hot ground water) is included in the rule.
4Energia Rinnovabile
Organizzato da Raffaele Tognacca, Energia
rinnovabile intende accelerare la crescita del
settore delle energie rinnovabili e contribuire
allo sviluppo economico sostenibile del Paese.
5Solar Energy
Solar Energy has the potential to be the most
important renewable energy source in the future
globally. There are a number of ways to utilize
solar energy. Solar energy is a climate friendly,
efficient and proven renewable energy source and
more people choose to install solar panels or
solar cells.
6Energia Fotovoltaica
7Brasile Energia Rinnovabile
8(No Transcript)
9 Contact no.- 803-543-2871
Columbia drymasterofgreatercolu
mbia_at_gmail.com http//drymasterofgrea