Title: Scoliosis: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
1Scoliosis Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
2Scoliosis is a medical condition that causes an
abnormal curvature of the backbone. A persons
spine is curved from sideways in this disorder.
3What are the Signs Symptoms of Scoliosis?
One hip or shoulder is more prominent than the
Patients head may be off center
Asymmetrical ribcage, the ribs may be at distinct
Individuals may lean onto one side, opposite
sides of the body may not appear leveled
One may experience back pain
4What are the Treatments for Scoliosis?
TLSO (Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis)
Milwaukee Brace
Casting is commonly used for infantile scoliosis
to aid infants spine to return to its normal
If a patient has moderate scoliosis and his bones
are in a growing stage, surgeons may recommend a
brace to prevent further curvature formation.
7There are basically two types of braces
TLSO (Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis) TLSO is
composed of plastic and designed to fit neatly
around the curves of the patients body.
Milwaukee Brace It is a full-torso brace and has
a neck ring with rests for the chin at the back
of the head. These braces are used only when TLSO
is not effective.
8Thank you
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