Title: Create Safe And Secure Web Server With PHP
1Create A Safe And secure Web Server With PHP
2What Is PHP?
- PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor.
- PHP is a widely used general purpose scripting
language that is especially suited for Web
development. - Can generate dynamic page content.
3Scripting VS Programming Language
Programming language Scripting language
Has all the features needed to develop complete applications. Mostly used for routine tasks
The code has to be compiled before it can be executed The code is usually executed without compiling
Does not need to be embedded into other languages Is usually embedded into other software environments.
4Architecture Of PHP Web Application
5Types Of Website
Static Website
Dynamic Website
Web Applicatins
6Popular Sites Which Use PHP
7Features Of PHP
Features PHP
Open Source Yes
Integration With HTML Easy
Web Service Support Built in
Web Hosting Supported by almost all hosting servers.
8Database Management System
- PHP has in built support for working hand in hand
with MySQL. - It also used by
- 1. Postgres
- 2. Oracle
- 3. MSSQL Server
- 4. ODBC
9Uses Of PHP
- PHP is open source and free.
- Short learning curve compared to other languages
such as JSP, ASP etc. - Large community document
- PHP is cross platform.
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