Title: Robotic Case Packing Systems
1JLS Automation
Case Packers Custom Robotic Case Packing Systems
JLS developed and installed its 1st robotic case
packing system in 2002. Since those advances,
we've become an innovative supplier of case
packers for the food, pharmaceutical, and
personal care industries.
2Osprey Robotic Case Packing Systems
Leveraging the successes of our Talon pick and
place packaging systems in Meat, Poultry, Frozen
Foods, and Dairy primary packing applications,
JLS has developed the Osprey Robotic Case
3Case Packers
- Loading any of the above products into
- RSC Cases
- HSCs and Trays
- Returnable Plastic Containers (RPCs)
- Retail Ready
Agility to facilitate multiple products,
packaging styles, and fast, repeatable
changeover, Designed to exceed the industrys
rigorous requirements for food safety and
sanitary operations.
4Tray Loading Systems
Our Heron Tray Loading Systems Feature
- JLS Vacuum On Board 2.0, which was developed to
reduce air consumption. - Ability to shape or style products being placed
onto trays - Product inspection
- Increased throughput due to reduced rework
- JLS wash down rated Denester
The Heron Tray Loading Systems are designed for
primary product packaging applications such as
meat, poultry and fresh produce.
5Our Team
Craig Souser President/CEO
Craig Hafner Chief Technology Officer
Craig Wolfe VP Operations Manufacturing
6Address 3495
Industrial Drive
York, PA 17402 Phone
717-505-3800 Fax
717-505-3805 Sales E-mail
sales_at_jlsautomation.com Administrat
ive E-mail admin_at_jlsautomation.com Support
E-mail cst_at_jlsautomation.com Websi
te http//www.jlsautomat
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