Title: IPVS Industry Overview
1IPVS Industry Overview
- IPVS Background
- Overview
- Security Information Management (SIM) Market,
Technology Vision , and Reference List - Features / Functions, FAQ, Value-Propositions
- Software Demonstration
2IPVS Background Team
- IPVision Software
- HQ in Tampa, FL
- EMEA operations in London, UK
- Software Development Tech. Support in
Birmingham, AL - Four years of research, design, coding effort to
bring applications to market - Team
- Mark Felberg (Tampa, FL) Founder CEO, 20 years
consulting experience in the design,
implementation, and support of data-com network
systems for Fortune 1000 firms. Four years
invested in developing the IPVision application
software. - E. Monte Richter III, President / Director of
Software Development Monte is the designer and
creator of the IPVision Management Console. His
responsibilities include the oversight of
technology development, design, implementation
and deployment of IPVision Software (IPVS) and
associated hardware products. Monte has over
twenty years of progressive accomplishments in
both software engineering and managing software
development projects.
3IPVS Market Overview
- A report by RNCOS, titled Expanding Closed
Circuit TV Industry - A Boon or Bane to The
Security Service Market - The CCTV industry is predicted to experience a
complete conversion from analog to digital
technology by 2010 - An excerpt from the J.P. Freeman marketing
report, The US Worldwide Network IP Video
Market (2005) reads - The fastest major growth area of the growing
security industry... - In its latest report on the video surveillance
market, IMS Research has revised upwards its
forecast for the network camera market, due to
faster than expected customer acceptance of this
new technology. IMS now forecasts that the world
network camera market will grow at a CAGR of 53
to exceed 4 billion by 2009.
4Convergence Trends
- At a June 05 GE Security Conference Workshop
- Jeffery Kessler Analyst-Lehman Bros.
- As physical and computer security fuse,
customers will be looking for integrators and
manufacturers that can deliver cohesive security
platforms - We dont know whose turf is going to be taken
away from whom, but we do know this, the
convergence of these two areas is inevitable - Francis Taylor Chief Security
Officer-GE - A common thread that unites IT and
conventional security personnel is information
5Convergence Trends
- IT network security and physical security are
merging - According to a recent Forrester Research study
Over 2b will be spent in the U.S. and Europe to
integrate physical and computer security systems.
This figure is projected to triple over the next
five years - Forrester cited Locks, cameras, entry systems,
and even guard desks will be upgraded to work
with the same computing systems that control
computer and network sign-on, and identity
management.IT security vendors will rush to
merge or find partners with their physical
security brethren to respond to the new
6Security Information Management (SIM)
- SIM is defined as IP-based data communications
specific to all components of a physical security
infrastructure, integrating video, voice, and
external sources - The IPVS Management Console can serve as the
IP-network foundation for a global SIM Enterprise
network - The IPVS core-technology is designed to deliver
best-of-class network and data control for the
various and disparate components of an integrated
IT and Physical security network
7Centralized or at the Edge
- Current NVR Software systems follow the same
centralized processing as its predecessor the
DVR. Disabling the onboard processing at the
camera and relying on the centralized server for
all recording and analytics. - IPVision has bet on the latter, we believe the
processing should be done whenever possible at
the edge. The latest release of IP or Network
cameras are including on board recording and
basic analytics with the option to add
specialized video processing.
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17Remote Site Option 1
Camera sends all images to IPVS console
18Remote Site Option 2
Camera sends trigger image to IPVS console,
event frames are stored locally
19Simple Com Tools
- Support for Access Cards
- Control Digital, Analog, Bus relays
- Accept input from external devices
20AgentVi delivers Next Generation IVS
- Patented Image Processing over IP technology
(IPoIP) - Distributed Video Processing Architecture
- Large Scale Enterprise Video Surveillance Network
- Single Server can support up to 100 Cameras
- Agent Vi-System can scale to thousands of cameras
- Network Bandwidth averages 15kbps to 20kbps of
Meta data - Mega Pixel Cameras do not reduce IVS performance
- Lowest False Alarm Rates (FAR)
- Highest Probability of Detection (POD)
21Enterprise Security Information Management
Remote Location's
Headquarters Location
Current Infrastructure
WWAN Device
Enterprise Router
Private WWAN or Internet
Local Storage
IP Phones
IP Phones
NAS SAN or Tape Library
OptionalViewing Console
Cellular WI-FI
IP Network Cameras Access Control Devices
Master Console
22IPVision Console
- Scalable, Enterprise Ready Platform
- Bandwidth Friendly
- Camera Agnostic
- Simple Single Screen Interface
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27- What is Resolution?
- The number of pixels in an image. The more
pixels the higher the resolution. The higher the
resolution the better the picture, and the more
detail. - Pixel is short for a 'picture element', and is
used to describe a point on a display screen
consisting of red, green and blue dots
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30The Megapixel Myths...too much storage and
Total 178KB with 4 Cameras
31The Megapixel Myths......
One IQ702 - 2.0 Megapixel IP Camera
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41Partial Reference List
- City of Tampa, FL Public Works
- City of Largo, FL Water Treatment
- City of Bradenton, FL Water Treatment
- McAllen International Trade Zone-McAllen, TX
- U.S. Department of Defense (Iraq Afghanistan)
- City of Dillingham, AK
- Lee County, FL Water Treatment
- Rockford County School District-Rockford, Il
- American Transmission Corp.- Madison , WI
- Hunt Construction-Tampa Bay Buccaneers Corporate
offices Training Camp - Naples, NY School District
- Cox Lumber Yards
- Federated Department Stores Logistics Division
42Case Studies- Alarm Monitoring Centers American
- American Digital Monitoring, an Alarm Monitoring
firm, with over 112,000 Subscribers and growing,
is a leader in offering innovative products and
services, at well below wholesale market pricing
to its Authorized Dealers. - Requirement / Solutions
- In a effort to reduce false alarms and their
associated costs, they require a scalable
distributed SIM solution - The IPVS architecture delivers the foundation
that enables American Digital to achieve its
technical and business objectives
43Case Studies- Unattended FuelingMekos Corp.
- Mekos Corp. develops and sells accounting
software for the un-attended fueling depots with
over 1000 installed locations nation wide - Requirements / Solutions
- Mekos Corp requested the SIM integration between
IPVS and their back office operations software - This integration is intended to enable the
correlation in the transaction database between
the video capture of the client and the invoice - There exists a urgent requirement for the
addition of VOIP to complement the video
component of this solution
44Case Studies- Power IndustryAmerican
Transmission Co. (ATC)
- ATC provides the pathway for power into
communities in portions of Wisconsin, Michigan,
Minnesota and Illinois. ATC owns, builds,
maintains and operates the high-voltage electric
transmission system that helps keep the lights
on, businesses running and communities strong. - Requirement / SolutionATC required the capacity
to implement a scalable security architecture
that could be deployed to 400 electric
transmission sites - After evaluating the IPVS solution for nine
months ATC has begun to implement our
cost-effective and scalable SIM solution to the
initial sites
45Case Studies- ISP/ASPAvantel
- Avantel- A JV between MCI and Citibank, The
Largest ISP in Mexico - Requirements / Solutions Avantel solicited bids
from SIM vendors to enable their delivery of
self monitoring residential security service. - This Avantel business initiative was focused on
adding a new revenue streams to their business
model - IPVS and Avantel collaborated in the project
requirements definition, architecture, and
features and functions for this initiative - Continuing to work with their development team
46Distribution / Channel Partners
- Verizon Wireless
- Siemens Home Building
- Ingersoll Rand
- Emir Tech
- CNI Europe
- Kent Technologies
- Veytec
- And many more
47Software Demonstration