Title: MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
1MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 All Assignments For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com MT 400 Unit 1
Assignment Business Process Management MT 400
Unit 1 Assignment Defining a Business Proces MT
400 Unit 2 Assignment Business Processes and
Strategy -Process Alignment MT400 Unit 3
Assignment The BPM Effort MT 400 Unit 3
Assignment Stakeholder Engagement MT 400 Unit 4
Assignment the launch pad and stakeholders MT 400
Unit 4 Assignment Metrics and quick wins MT 400
Unit 5 Assignment The understand Phase MT 400
Unit 5 Assignment Innovations and Risk MT 400
Unit 6 Assignment Innovation, RASCI Models and
Performance Management
3MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 1 Assignment Business Process
Management For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com MT400 Business Process Management Unit 1
Assignment Our book proposes a business process
management (BPM) model that consists of 10
phases. Over the next few weeks, as you learn
about each of these phases, you will be applying
the concepts to a specific business process. The
Assignments in this course constitute a
course-long project in which you will evaluate
various aspects of this process.
4MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 1 Assignment Defining a Business
Process For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m Assignment Defining a Business Process Your
book proposes a business process management (BPM)
model that consists of 10 phases. As you learn
about each of these phases, you will be applying
the concepts to a specific business process. You
will select the process you will use in this
Assignment. You will prepare the foundation for
your project by identifying a real-world
5MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 2 Assignment Business Processes and
Strategy -Process Alignment For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Your book proposes a
business process management (BPM) model that
consists of 10 phases. As you learn about each of
these phases, you will be applying the concepts
to a specific business process. You will select
the process you will use in this Assignment.
You will prepare the foundation for your project
by identifying a real-world organization that
would benefit from applying the business process
management (BPM) model in the workplace. You may
select the organization where you currently work
OR where you previously worked. If possible, you
should strive to choose an organization
6MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 3 Assignment Stakeholder
Engagement For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Unit 3 AssignmentStakeholder Engagement
tInthis Assignment, you are going to evaluate
a specific business process based oncriteria
detailed below. If you already have selected a
business processcontinue using that and skip to
the next paragraph. If you have not yetselected
the business process you will use for these
Assignments, thenbegin by selecting one. E-mail
your instructor and clearly describe
theobjective of this process, the participants,
and the strategic significance forthe company.
7MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 3 Assignment The BPM Effort For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Unit 3
Assignment In the HOW section of Chapter 14,
your book describes three pieces of information
that must be evaluated before starting the BPM
effort The BPM scenario (first discussed on p.
67), the maturity of the organization, and the
scope of the architecture. In this Assignment,
you will focus on the first two. For this
Assignment, write a 46 page paper (not including
title page or references, double spaced) that
includes the following components (use the
subheadings below)
8MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 4 Assignment Metrics and quick
wins For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com i
n this Assignment, you are going to evaluate a
specific business process based on criteria
detailed below. If you already have selected a
business process, continue using that and skip to
the next paragraph. If you have not yet selected
the business process you will use for these
Assignments, then begin by selecting one. Email
your instructor and clearly describe the
objective of this process, the participants, and
the strategic significance for the company
9MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 4 Assignment the launch pad and
stakeholders For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com Unit 4 Assignment For this Assignment,
write a 46 page paper (not including title page
or references, double spaced) that answers the
following questions (use the template
provided) The launch pad phase is where a lot of
foundational work on a project is done and the
lines are drawn. In this Assignment, you will
answer 4 questions 1) Who are the stakeholders
in this process, besides those that are directly
involved in the execution of it? List at least
two people/groups and explain their
relationship/connection to the process.
10MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 5 Assignment Innovations and Risk For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Which of
the steps that the book recommends for the
Innovate phase do you think is most critical for
your BPM project? Explain the importance of the
step for your selected process. Be specific to
your situation do not describe the significance
of the step in general terms. Justify your answer
by stating what risks will arise if the step you
identified is not carried out properly. Explain
what measures you will take to implement this
step properly and mitigate these risks in your
11MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 5 Assignment The understand Phase For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Unit 5
Assignment For this Assignment, write a 46 page
paper (double spaced, not including title page
or references) that answers the following
questions (use the template below to organize
your paper) The understand phase is where you
set yourself up for success for the rest of the
project. In addition to getting a good
understanding of your process and the issues, you
also create baselines for comparison using
metrics (step 4).
12MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 6 Assignment Innovation, RASCI Models
and Performance Management For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com In this Assignment,
you are going to evaluate a specific business
process based on criteria detailed below. If you
have already selected a business process,
continue using that and skip to the next
paragraph. If you have not yet selected the
business process you will use for these
Assignments, then begin by selecting one. Email
your instructor and clearly describe the
objective of this process, the participants, and
the strategic significance for the company.
13MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 6 Assignment Risk Analysis and
Leadership For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Unit 6 Assignment The chapter on the people
phase lists 10 recommended steps to ensure that
the activities of the individuals who will be
executing the new processes are in alignment with
the agreed organization and process goals
established in earlier phases of the project.
This is a critical step in the BPM project. In
this Assignment, you will explore the risks
associated with not carrying out these steps
properly and you will examine which types
of leaders are best suited to lead this process.
14MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 7 Assignment Implementation Strategy,
Pilot Studies and Contigency Plan For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Unit 7
Assignment Our book describes the implement phase
as the phase where all the designed and
developed process improvements will actually be
brought to life. The execution of the
implementation can make or break a project,
regardless of its perfection in design. In this
Assignment, you will apply three of the implement
phase steps to your project. For this Assignment,
write a 46 page paper (double spaced, not
including title page or references) that answers
the following questions
15MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 8 Assignment Establishing Baselines
and Assessing Success (New) For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com In this Assignment,
you are going to evaluate a specific business
process based on criteria detailed below. If you
already have selected a business process,
continue using that and skip to the next
paragraph. If you have not yet selected the
business process you will use for these
Assignments, then begin by selecting one. Email
your instructor and clearly describe the
objective of this process, the participants, and
the strategic
16MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 8 Assignment Establishing Baselines
and Assessing Success For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com In this Assignment,
through the evaluation of baseline metrics, you
will engage in developing the following
professional competencies ?Analyze quantitative
data One of the key elements in realizing
benefits is the establishment of a baseline. Your
book suggests that the completion of metrics is
an essential step at the time of modeling the
current processes, and it is this baseline
17MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 9 Assignment Mentors and
Shadowing For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com MT 400 Unit 9 Assignment Unit 9 Assignment
Mentors and Shadowing The following Professional
Competency Outcome(s) are practiced and assessed
in this Assignment PC-3.5Engage in career
development and advancement strategies, including
effectivenetworking, mentoring, and creating a
personal brand. In this Assignment, you are going
to evaluate a specific business process based on
criteria detailed
18MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
MT 400 Unit 10 Assignment Plan to do Check
Act For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Un
it 10 Assignment For this Assignment, write a
4â6 page paper (double spaced, not including
title page or references) that answers the
following questions (use the subheadings/numbered
questions below to organize your paper) Part
1 Now that you have learned all the phases in the
BPM model suggested by your book, it is time to
take a step back and look at the overall model.
As Chapter 10 discusses
19MT 400 Course Success Begins / snaptutorial.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....