Title: IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education / snaptutorial.com
1IT 286 Course Extraordinary
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Entire Course For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com IT 286 Week 1
Quiz IT 286 Week 1 DQs IT 286 Week 2 Exercise
Tool wire Lab Using the Add Hardware Wizard and
Device Manager IT 286 Week 2 Assignment
Troubleshooting Computer Hardware IT 286 Week 3
3IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 1 DQs For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com IT 286 Week 1 DQs
4IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 1 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Check Point
Fundamental Diagnostic and Troubleshooting
Techniques Online Quiz
5IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 2 Assignment Troubleshooting
Computer Hardware For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Review the
directions for the Troubleshooting Computer
Hardware assignment in Appendix B. Complete the
worksheet by writing a 150-word answer to each of
the three questions. Post the worksheet as an
attachment to the Assignment section of e Campus
6IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 2 Exercise Tool wire Lab Using the
Add Hardware Wizard and Device Manager For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Complete the
lab using the following instructions Log in to
your student Web page Click on this weeks course
page, and then click on the link to the Add
Hardware Wizard and Device Manager Toolwire Lab.
A new window will open containing a description
of the lab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and
click the Lab Access link to begin the lab.
7IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 3 DQs For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com IT 286 Week 3 DQs
8IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 3 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Check Point Power
Supply Diagnostics and Repair Online Quiz
9IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 4 Assignment Collaborative
Troubleshooting Operating Systems Paper For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Work
collaboratively with another student in class (I
will set up teams in the Chat Room the Sunday
before the start of the week) to debate and
discuss how you will go about resolving the three
scenarios from Appendix C. Ten points of your
score on this assignment will be earned by
posting a minimum of two posts for the
10IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 4 Exercise Tool wire Lab
Troubleshooting Application Installation For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Complete the lab using the following
instructions Log in to your student Web
page Click on this weeks course page, and then
click on the link to the Troubleshooting
Application Installation Toolwire Lab. A new
window will open containing a description of the
lab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click
the Lab Access link to begin the lab.
11IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 4 Exercise Tool wire Lab
Troubleshooting the Windows Vista Operating
Systems For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om Complete the lab using the following
instructions1. Log in to your student Web
page2. Click on this weeks course page, and
then click on the link to the Troubleshooting the
Windows Vista Operating Systems Toolwire Lab. A
new window will open containing a description of
the lab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and
click the Lab Access link to begin the lab.
12IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 5 DQs For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com IT 286 Week 5 DQs
13IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 5 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Check Point
Diagnosing Operating Systems Online Quiz
14IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 6 Assignment Troubleshooting
Computer Hardware For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Review the details
of the instructions in Appendix D. Complete the
Troubleshooting Computer Hardware assignment by
writing a 150-word response to each of the
15IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 6 Exercise Tool wire Lab
Troubleshooting Printer Hardware in Windows Vista
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Complete the exercise using the following
instructions Log in to your student Web
page Click on this weeks course page, and then
click the link to the Toolwire lab. A new window
will open containing a description of the lab.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the
Lab Access link to begin.
16IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 7 CheckPoint Network Troubleshooting
Case Study For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com Review the directions within Appendix E
for the four troubleshooting scenarios that
represent typical networking problems. Complete
the Network Troubleshooting Case Study in
Appendix E by writing a 150-word response to each
of the four questions.
17IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 7 DQs For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com IT 286 Week 7 DQs
18IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 8 Assignment Tool wire Lab
Configuring Windows XP Policies For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Complete the
assignment using the following instructions Log
in to your student Web page Click on this weeks
course page, and then click the link to the
Configuring Windows XP Policies Tool wire Lab.
A new window will open containing a description
of the lab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and
click the Lab Access link to begin the lab.
19IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 8 CheckPoint Social Engineering
Article Review For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Read the article
Cybercriminals Find New Ways to Exploit
Vulnerabilities Download the article
from /Signal_ Article_ Template .asp? article
id2222zoneid290 Write a 300-350 word article
review describing the process the article
discusses that highlights a specific but common
risk to computer security. Discuss the steps you
must take to protect systems under your care from
similar risks.
20IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 9 Capstone DQ For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com IT 286 Capstone DQ
21IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 9 Capstone Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Capstone Check
Point Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Online Capstone Quiz
22IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 9 Final Project Maintaining and
Optimizing Windows Vista Systems Lab and Study
Guide For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Complete the final project using the following
instructions Log in to your student Web
page Click on this weeks course page, and then
click the link to the Tool wire Lab Maintaining
and Optimizing Windows Vista Operations.
23IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutorial
IT 286 Week 9 Maintaining and Optimizing Windows
Vista Operations Tool wire For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Maintaining and
Optimizing Windows Vista Operations Tool wire
24IT 286 Course Extraordinary Education-
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....