Title: MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
1MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
2MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Entire Course For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com MTE 501 Entire
Course MTE 501 Week 1 Individual Assignment
Evolution of Education Timeline MTE 501 Week 2
Individual Assignment Educational Issues MTE 501
Week 2 Team Assignment Educational Learning
Opportunities MTE 501 Week 3 Individual
Assignment Philoso
3MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 1 Individual Assignment Evolution of
Education Timeline For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Watch all eight
sections of "The History of Education"
video. Reflect on how education has evolved in
your own lifetime. Create a timeline or use a
timeline maker, such as the one from the
ReadWriteThink website, to display how
educational polic
4MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 2 Individual Assignment Educational
Issues For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Research a current educational issue in your
respective state or at a national level. Consider
using NBC Learn from the College of Educational
Resources. Choose an article or video on thi
5MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 2 Team Assignment Educational
Learning Opportunities For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Select an
educational learning opportunity with your
instructor's approval Charter school Online
schooling Home schooling Montessori school
Private school Public school Prepare a 12- to
16-slide presentation using a tool from the
Technology Resource Library, such as Popplet,
PreziTM, SlideShare, or
6MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 3 Individual Assignment
Philosophical and Educational Perspectives For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Complete
the Philosophical and Educational Perspectives
assessment. As you read through the Philosophical
and Educational Perspectives, which perspective
do you find yourself agreeing with the most? The
least? Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which
you describe your philosophy of education.
Include your theories on 3-5 of the following
Purpose of education
7MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 3 Team Assignment Educator
Philosophy Interview For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Interview - Each
team member should interview an educator about
his or her philosophy of education. Questions
should be asked regarding the challenges facing
education today. 1. Where do they think education
is headed in the future? 2. How have their own
life experiences shaped their current philosophy
8MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 4 Individual Assignment Classroom
Observation For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com Complete the Observation and Interview
Worksheet. Provide a 100- to 200-word paragraph
response for each section. Observe the teacher
during your scheduled time. Complete the
Classroom Observation and Interview
Table. Compare the interview responses and
observed teaching to his or her educational
philosophy or philosophies.
9MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 4 Individual Assignment Ethical
Decisions Presentation For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com For this assignment,
you will be working as a team to provide a
response to your faculty-assigned case study
Parent-Teacher Relationships Social Media
Mistake Coach Out for a Drink
10MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 4 Individual Assignment Professional
Expectations Brochure For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. Open the College
of Education Resource Page. 2. Select Teacher
Education Handbook. 3. Select and view Overview
of Professional Expectations. 4. Select and view
Supplemental Standards.
11MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com
MTE 501 Week 4 Team Assignment Ethical Decisions
Presentation For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com MTE 501 Week 4 Team Assignment Ethical
Decisions Presentation
12MTE 501 Extraordinary Success / snaptutorial.com