Title: 3 Important Things to Know About Yoga Chants
13 Important Things to Know About Yoga Chants
2- Did you know
- Yoga chants and Kirtan are important parts of the
path of devotional yoga. - 2. Yoga chants are repeated Mantras of the
various names of God, which focus the mind to one
point and engender an open heart.
33. Kirtan is a Sanskrit word meaning narrating,
reciting, telling or describing a story,
concept or idea. 4. Chanting kirtan is a truly
sustainable practice, with benefits reaching far
beyond the present moment. Once practiced, the
chants begin to appear without conscious effort
and can replace negative thought patterns.
45. The centuries old practice of yoga chants is
typically recited in the ancient Sanskrit
language of India. 6. Sanskrit is one of the
oldest languages in the entire world some even
refer to it as the mother of all languages.
57. Kirtan is a genre of music or shared
recitation, which is connected to a spiritual
practice. 8. Yoga chants are a therapeutic
combination of sound, rhythm and breath. Yoga
chants have a range of beneficial mental and
physical effects, including improved immunity,
decreased level of stress and anxiety, increased
sense of concentration, heart health, and wards
off depression.
6To learn more about Ram Dass, yoga chants and
kirtan, please visit https//www.ramdass.org/chan
Love Serve Remember Foundation 2355 Westwood Blvd
130 Los Angeles, CA, 90064 888.663.7770