Title: Visiting Spray Tanning Salons
1Necessary Preparations When Visiting Spray
Tanning Salons
2Even with various researchers confirming the
dangers of exposure of your skin to UV light,
there are spray tanning salons that offer this
services to those still interested. The best
tanning salons Tulsa have improved technology and
advancements that guarantee an even color tone on
your skin. For desired results,you have a role to
play as our client.
3Exfoliating your body when visiting a tanning
salon, this is the first significant step. A dry
and rough skin will retain more color compared to
the soft, smooth one.A failure to exfoliate will
lead to blotchy patches knees, elbows and other
rough areas on your body. Use a recommended
exfoliation tool like a loofah to scrub the
entire body for optimum results.
4Shaving the unwanted hair though it is not an
impediment to spray tanning, it can be of effect
if you shave soon after the tanning procedure.
Your body color will begin to flake off which
will mean you have to redo the process. Keeping
in mind how expensive the process is, consider
not shaving for long-term results.
5Avoid creams, deodorant and lotions likely to
interfere with the spray from adhering to the
skin. Even though you need the creams and lotions
to moisturize your body and face, consider
leaving them for a while until as recommended by
the specialists. The discontinued use is because
their application prevents the spray tan from
reaching and sticking to your skin. You are
likely to get blotchy coloration with continued
6Proper clothes during the visit on exiting the
booth at spray tanning salons, you are likely to
remain dump for some time. Some people choose to
stay naked until the solution dries, but not
everybody would be comfortable in such. You may
come with a big t-shirt and pants that will not
rub off and soak the solution instead. Consider
coming with dark clothing because the solution
can stain them for good. Tight clothes will
absorb the solution faster than your skin that
will lead to uneven skin color.
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