Title: Marysville German Shepherd Breeder
1Marysville Dog Training
We have Sacramento German shepherd puppies for
sale! German Shepherd Puppies out of Top German
bloodlines, Confirmation males and females with
high V and VA ratings . Top Quality SchH1,
SchH2, SchH3 working dogs, Dogs that are suitable
for competition, family dogs, and untitled young
dogs. I have excellent contacts with my friends
in Germany to help you get the exact dog you are
looking for at a very fair price. I have special
connections with some great kennels in East
Germany! To see dogs that are available now from
Germany click on Show or Working. We offer
Sacramento dog training for all breeds.
2(No Transcript)
3Marysville German Shepherd Breeder
Basic Advanced Obedience Training Dogs make
better family companions when they are obedient
and Thomas has the experience to train all breeds
of dogs. Basic, Advanced or a custom obedience
program can be set to fulfill you and your dogs
needs. Thomas has the experience to help with
behavior problems as well. Call or email German
Dog Training Center now, to decide what
Sacramento dog training program you need.
4Marysville German Shepherd Breeder
Every German Shepherd puppy from my kennel is
vaccinated, wormed, tattooed and temperament
tested before leaving my kennel. My selective
breeding program includes only 100 German
bloodlines. German imports are used in my
breeding program to maintain the German standard
and I continually strive to do my part to improve
the breed. I raise my German Shepherd puppies
with much love and care, in a home environment to
ensure proper socialization and so that I can
continually evaluate each of the German Shepherd
Puppies that I breed. I have a lot of experience
evaluating puppies and I use my experience to
ensure that each puppy and new owner are a
perfect match.
5Marysville Dog Training
Schutzhund is a German word meaning protection
dog. It refers to a sport that focuses on
developing and evaluating those traits in dogs
that make them more useful and happier companions
to their owners. Schutzhund work concentrates on
three parts. Many familiar with the obedience
work of the American Kennel Clubs affiliates
will recognize the first two parts, tracking and
obedience. The Schutzhund standards for the third
part, protection work, are similar to those for
dogs in police work.
6Marysville Dog Training
Sacramento dog training by the best! Thomas
Sauerhoefer has nearly 30 years experience
training, handling and doing helper work in
Schutzhund. He has successfully titled over 350
dogs in his 30 year career. From a BH, to
Schutzhund and IPO titles, Thomas can train your
7Yuba City Dog Training
The German Dog Training Center is Northern
Californias Premier German Shepherd Personal
Protection Training Facility Having a dog that
can not only be a family companion, but a
protector can bring you piece of mind and
Personal Protection Level I 2,500 A personal
protection level I dog is trained to protect you
and your family on command. The dog is trained to
bark and hold and keep a threat at bay, while
primarily acting as a deterrent to would be
assaulters. Personal Protection Level II
4,500 A personal protection level II dog is
trained to bite on command and release on command
when handler is near the dog. Personal
Protection Level III 6,000 A personal
protection level III dog is trained to bite and
release on command and can be sent out to bite
and release on command from a distance.
8Yuba City Dog Training
Personal Protection Training is available for
German Shepherds and other breed at the German
Dog Training Center. Serving Sacramento, Yuba
City, Marysville, Roseville, Folsom, Woodland,
Davis and Elk Grove.
9Yuba City Dog Training
German Shepherd Working Lines For Sale Zwinger
vom Heidelberger Schloss has an excellent
selection of proven top working line German
Shepherd puppies and adults. Click here to see a
video of Riggor vom Heidelberger Schloss, one of
the top working prospect German Shepherd puppies
that has come out of the Zwinger vom Heidelberger
Schloss German Shepherd Puppy breeding program.
More videos can be seen on the Progeny page of
German Shepherd puppies and young adults that are
progressing well in various working
sports. German Shepherd Show Lines For
Sale These beautiful dogs not only show what a
German Shepherd should look like, they posses
working ability as well. These dogs make great
family companions as well as show and prospects.
Their bloodlines are full of top placing
conformation dogs that perform well in working
events as well. Sacramento German Shepherd
Puppies and Training is available for all breeds.
10Marysville Dog Training
- www.germandogtrainingcenter.com