Title: Parking Lot Sealcoating
1Suburban Sealing Service Inc.
Let Us Protect Your Parking Lot Asphalt With Our
Award Winning Asphalt Maintenance System!
2Description of Services
Oil Spots
Prep Work
Your search for a reputable establishment
specializing in parking lot repair, asphalt
sealing or resurfacing, paving and patching ends
3Commercial Parking Lot Services
Prep Work
Oil Spots
Crack Maintenance
4Residential Driveway Sealcoating
Beautifies and restores your asphalt driveway
appearance to that like-new finish!!!
Yearly asphalt sealing application provides the
following benefits
- Prolongs the life of your pavement
- Improves and beautifies asphalt appearance
- Shields against, raveling,
- cracking and deterioration
- Prevents water penetration
- Saves money on expensive repairs
5Company Profile
Founded in 1996, Suburban Sealing Service, Inc.
was the second career calling for owner David
Hancock. David, a 4-year U.S. Marine Corps
veteran, also served as a police officer with the
Itasca Police Department for ten years before
starting his own company. An early entrepreneur,
David operated a sealcoating business as a
teenager and later returned to his roots when he
retired from the police force.
6Address Suburban Sealing Service Inc P.O.
Box 53 Itasca IL 60143
Call Us 630-250-1210
Fax 630-735-2341
Website www.suburbansealing.com/clients-comm
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