Title: Sofia and her family
1Terrero, HalinNovember 23, 20166-2
- Title Sofia and her Family
2 Once upon a time beautiful girl, her name was
Sofia. She lived with fer family in New York,
Uncle Marcos and Aunt Maria, her cousins Samantha
and Gabriel and her sister Natalia. They were
studyng at the university and Sofia was studyngd
to be a Teacher, she was twenty four years old.
Everyone felt good living inNew York.
3 One day she had to do homework with her friends
Natalia and Samantha. When they went to the
house, she forgot her computer. So they had to do
homework the next day. They worked so hard and
they did good work.
4 Gabriel, Samantha an Sofia were very happy at
the university because they got very good
qualification. Maria was happy because her son
got a good grade. All were very satisfied for
this reasoon. That way they learnd the importance
of teamwork.
5 One day in the university, Sofia met a boy his
name was Steven. The teacher gave a work to Sofia
and her friend. They had to work in group. Steven
invited Sofia to do the homework in his house.
6 Sofia went to Stevens house . They started to
do homework in group. Steven had two brotheers
and one sister, his sisters name is Cristal the
best friend of Sofia. They all made good
7 The next day Sofia spoke with her friend,
Steven. After seven days Sofia and Steven become
boyfriends. Samantha, Natalia, Cristal and Sofia
were very happy. Everyone become good friends and
shared good times.
8 Another day Sofia, Samantha and Natalia were
walking in the clothing store. The Sofias
graduation was the next weekend. Sofia loved a
dres that she looked in the clothing store. The
next day Sofia ran to look for the dress
9 But the next day when she arrived to the
clothing store, the dress wasnt there. She did
not like any dress in the clothing store. She
broke the graduation ticket because she didi not
have the dress that she wanted. Maria and Marcos
talked to her and to her surprise Aunt Maria had
kept a beautiful dress and gave it to her.
10Several months later Sofia and Steven got
married. They had two beautiful daughters. Four
years later Sofia got a good job as a teacher in
Miami, so they decided to move and they bought a
beautiful house. They were teachers in the best
school of Miami.
11(No Transcript)