Document Translation Services - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Document Translation Services


LCS is a leading global language solutions provider, enabling companies to enter global markets with high quality multilingual products. Translation Services LCS is always there to assist you with your document translation requests. LCS strives to deliver reliable and quality translation services of global standards that exceed client’s expectations. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Document Translation Services

Language Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
ABOUT USLanguage Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
(LCS) is ISO 90012008 certified for quality
management systems. Established in 2005 and
incorporated as Private Limited Company in 2008,
LCS is a leading global language solutions
provider, enabling companies to enter global
markets with high quality multilingual products.
LCS strives to deliver reliable and quality
translation services of global standards that
exceed clients expectations. Services we
offer We provide an array of services like
translation, localization (Web and software),
interpretation, transcription, voice over,
content writing (development, editing and proof
reading), validation, DTP (Desktop publishing)
and E-Learning services which assist us to
advance in global as well as local markets.
MANAGEMENT TEAMMs. Ranjana Ojha, Managing
Director and FounderUnder the leadership of Ms.
Ranjana Ojha, LCS was founded in 2005. Ms.
Ranjana has always had the vision for business in
services sector. Her entrepreneurial abilities
led her to start LCS that would offer an array
of Language solutions under one roof. Ms. Ranjana
has a Masters degree in languages from Jawaharlal
Nehru University. From LCSs inception, Ms.
Ranjana believes in the strength of language,
cultural and ethnic diversity. She has been in
the forefront in bridging the language
communication gap and "making the world a little
smaller". She has been instrumental in building a
dynamic organization through her vision,
integrity, dedication, hard work and unmatched
approach to quality. Ms. Ranjana has helped build
LCS into one of the premier translation
agencies.Mr. Shadab Khan, Director
MarketingMr. Khan leads and manages the
worldwide operations of Language Consultancy
Services  Pvt. Ltd. In his role, he is
responsible for setting corporate strategy and
achieving profitable growth. Mr. Khan has over 8
years of experience in building and growing
successful global trade and services
organizations. Prior to joining LCS in 2007,
he was the Country Head of UK division of a
leading export house of India. He also spent four
years at Li Fung Trading Ltd., a Hong Kong
based multi-billion dollar trading firm. He was
also the Head of Home textiles division of El
Corte Ingles S A, a Spain based retail giant. Mr.
Khan has a Masters in Spanish Philology from
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,
India. Mr. R Royce, Director Digital
MarketingMr. Royce has nine plus years of
experience and deftness in handling overall
functioning of processes, process improvements
implementing processes in line with the pre-set
guidelines. Proven track record of managing
processes/SOPs and streamlining workflow
creating team work environment to enhance
productivity innovatively. Proficient in
marketing concepts and solutions leading the
objective for running successful process
operations experience of developing procedures,
service standards for business excellence. Has
been successful across pay per click or PPC,
search engine marketing or SEO, Email, Social
Media Marketing and all other forms of digital
marketing from logistics to finance, other
products and services campaigns. Has a great
passion for creative sides of digital marketing
and have led end to end campaigns. With the reach
of digital media surpassing all traditional
medium of advertisements, Mr. Royces experience
is a great asset.
We, at Language Consultancy Services  believe in building and cherishing a strong bound and committed relationship with our clients by delivering high performance in terms of quality and timely deliveries. This is the reason we have our customers from a wide spectrum of business fields like Some of our customers are
Accenture (UK) Ltd. Alcatel Development India Pvt. Ltd. Amarchand Mangaldas American Express Banking Corporation American Power Conversion (Schneider Electric) Avon Beauty Products India Pvt. Ltd. Business World Carrefour Group Cognizant Technology Solutions Ltd. - UK Confederation of Indian Industry Department of Revenue (Ministry of Finance, India) Dialogue Social Enterprise GmbH-Germany Educomp Solutions Ltd. Emirates Flight Catering-UAE Enable Mobile Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Glaxo SmithKline Ltd. Hay Group India, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong Hero Mindmine Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. HSBC Securities and Capital Markets India Pvt. Ltd. IMI Mobile Pvt. Ltd. India Trade Promotion Organization Ipsos Indica Research Pvt. Ltd. Juki India Pvt. Ltd.
DOCUMENT TRANSLATIONLCS is one of the leading
providers of document translation services. We
offer translation services in almost all the
Indian, Asian, European and African languages.
With the geographical boundaries being increased
and world becoming a minuscule, language barrier
has to be removed. With the wide range
of translation services offered by LCS in
language, technology (software localization) and
desktop publishing you can easily target to enter
any geography!LCS has over 4000 employees to
offer multi-lingual services in almost every
domain. We offer quality translation services in
almost every field such asEducationTechnologyM
and DevelopmentGeneralWhile translating the
documents, one needs to understand the jargon,
culture, sentiments and usage of the locals. Our
experienced translators pay full attention to all
these aspects while translating the documents. A
good translated document instantly uplifts the
image of the client and at LCS we value the
prestige of our clients very much. We ensure to
assign the document to native language translator
with sound knowledge of the subject.Our translato
rs are provided regular trainings to keep them up
to date with the latest linguistic developments
in their sector. Usage of tools like CAT, SDLX
and Trados further ensure consistency in
translations. We have a dedicated team of quality
auditors who ensure that the translation quality
is up to the mark. They ensure that while
translating the document the original meaning is
retained. It happens sometimes that source
document may contain some proverb and if that is
translated word by word in the target language it
would make no sense. Hence, it is very much
essential to have in-depth knowledge of the
subject and language while translating a
document. Our translators and quality analysts
lay emphasis on accurate use of language and high
quality terminology.LCS also adheres to
deadlines provided by our customers. We
understand that delay in delivering the projects
on time results can be cost demanding on the
client's end. Hence, we follow proper process to
produce quality document translations.
SOFTWARE LOCALIZATIONLocalization refers to the
process of making the product or computer
software/applications adhere to requirements of
the target country/region. With the geographical
demarcations being removed and globalization
taking place, localization is very much in
demand. Entering a new geographical boundary
demands that your documents, software
application, website and products be localized to
match the taste of locals.Expanding your new
horizon becomes a way easier by a availing the
localization services offered by LCS. At LCS,
we offer Language localization as well as
Internationalization and Localization.Language
localization This is concerned with translating
products to various languages.Internationalizatio
n and localization This deals with adaptation of
computer application/software for different
countries/region.At LCS, we pay special
attention to target country's culture and the
local language while localizing the content. We
employ tools like CAT, SDLX and Trados 2007 to
deliver high quality language localization.We
provide expert services inWeb portal
localization We ensure that website is in sync
with the local language and works and functions
properly. We ensure that all the hyperlinks,
cross-references work accurately and also ensure
proper display of the graphics.Graphic User
Interface (GUI) localization It requires the
proper functioning of the entire graphic user
interface such as tabs, menu options, dialog box,
buttons, icons, status bar, error messages,
tables and charts that appear on the
screen.Software Localization It requires
development of the software according to the
environment of the target language. We ensure the
flawless performance of tags, placeholders, code,
graphics, scripts, data entry forms in software
localization.User Assistance (UA) Localization
It requires language localization of any document
that is accompanied with software application
such as user's manual, online help, release
notes, installation guide to assist the user in
case he needs assistance. UA localization is
generally done once the GUI localization is
finished and reviewed. This process checks that
GUI strings are localized consistently for all
the components of the product.
WEBSITE LOCALIZATIONLocalization refers to the
process of making the product or computer
software/applications adhere to requirements of
the target country/region. With the geographical
demarcations being removed and globalization
taking place, localization is very much in
demand. Entering a new geographical boundary
demands that your documents, software
application, website and products be localized to
match the taste of locals.Expanding your new
horizon becomes a way easier by a availing the
localization services offered by LCS. At LCS,
we offer Language localization as well as
Internationalization and Localization.Language
localization This is concerned with translating
products to various languages.Internationalizatio
n and localization This deals with adaptation of
computer application/software for different
countries/region.At LCS, we pay special
attention to target country's culture and the
local language while localizing the content. We
employ tools like CAT, SDLX and Trados 2007 to
deliver high quality language localization.We
provide expert services inWeb portal
localization We ensure that website is in sync
with the local language and works and functions
properly. We ensure that all the hyperlinks,
cross-references work accurately and also ensure
proper display of the graphics.Graphic User
Interface (GUI) localization It requires the
proper functioning of the entire graphic user
interface such as tabs, menu options, dialog box,
buttons, icons, status bar, error messages,
tables and charts that appear on the
screen.Software Localization It requires
development of the software according to the
environment of the target language. We ensure the
flawless performance of tags, placeholders, code,
graphics, scripts, data entry forms in software
localization.User Assistance (UA) Localization
It requires language localization of any document
that is accompanied with software application
such as user's manual, online help, release
notes, installation guide to assist the user in
case he needs assistance. UA localization is
generally done once the GUI localization is
finished and reviewed. This process checks that
GUI strings are localized consistently for all
the components of the product.
PATENT TRANSLATIONPatent generally intends the
exclusive right granted to an inventor to
manufacture or sell an invention. Patent
translation service is a very exclusive area of
translation services. Translating the language of
a patent requires specific technical knowledge
and in many cases, knowledge of that particular
terminology. There are now nearly two million
patent applications filed throughout the world
every year. The process of translating documents
is evolving quickly to meet the increasing
demands. A small mistake in patent translation
can incur a loss of millions and even can
contradict with the years of research, and this
is an area where one cannot tolerate mistakes.
Hence, it is very much necessary to get the
translation done from the established service
provider.LCS provides flawless, perfect and
professionally prepared patent translation
services. LCS patent translation services can
accurately translate patent applications. LCS is
very much aware of the technical challenges in
doing the patent translation. All our translators
have been in this translation field for many
years. We specialize in offering patent
translation services in various fields. Here, you
will find in us the most trusted patent
translation services. You can depend on us in
dealing with different patent services. So, there
is no doubt as far as the quality of our services
is concerned.Improve Accuracy   A substantial
amount of time is then spent researching
appropriate terminology for the technical terms
employed. Proper terminology management allows
for the consistent use of correct terminology by
all translators, enabling multiple people to work
on a project and still maintain the same degree
of accuracy. During translation, technology can
pull terminology from predefined terminology
lists and present these translated terms
automatically to translators, thus reducing
interruptions in the workflow and improving
productivity. The automated use of those
terminology lists greatly contributes to the
linguistic quality of the project by helping
translators to be more consistent not only within
one project, but also from one project to
another.Additionally, translation memory
technology can preserve formatting codes and
layout information, reducing the time of the
desktop publisher and ensuring the translated
document to look as professional as the source
document.Quality Control Here, you will have
a translator who is expert in the particular
field and extremely knowledgeable regarding all
the proper terminology. Our patent translators
are chosen for their fluency, educational
background, and expertise in the field related to
the matter. All translations undergo a thorough
quality check by our proofreaders to ensure
accuracy and correctness.At LCS, we deliver
the exact patent translation work need by the
clients and so, we pay utmost attention to the
end product delivery. Hence, we are very specific
to the services that we provide.
VOICE OVERWith the globalization and revolution
in technology, voice over services' horizon has
expanded and they are much in demand. Voice overs
are employed in television, radio, railways,
aviations, movies, advertising, e-learning
solutions, animations, computer-based training,
online trainings and many more areas.Voice over
involves recording audio with the help of
professional speakers or voice artists. It may
require single or multiple artists depending on
the script. Once the audio script is readily
available it can be easily recorded in the
preferred language through expert voice over
artists. Voice over recording is usually done in
professional studios.Whatever we hear has an
immediate impact on us. You may miss an important
announcement at the railway stations or the
airports just because of the sound quality. You
may like a particular radio show just because the
voice is astounding and you are carried away by
the speaker's voice. Hence, voice over can have a
great impact on our thought process.What is
essential is to select a reputed company that
provides quality voice over services in different
languages. We at LCS Pvt. Ltd. analyze the
demand of our clients and provide them excellent
voice over services without compromising the
quality of voice.With geographical boundaries
being removed we keep in mind the country,
dialect, accent and speech for which the voice
over has to be developed. At LCS we have a
strong manpower of native voice artists,
narrators, multilinguists and commentators, who
are perfectionists in their field. We minutely
select the voice over artists suitable for an
audio on the basis of the age, gender, voice
quality, ambience, style and accent. We provide
voice over services in various languages
likeVoice Over in American EnglishVoice Over
in British EnglishVoice Over in FrenchVoice
Over in GermanVoice Over in PortugueseVoice
Over in SpanishVoice Over in RussianVoice
Over in Asian LanguagesVoice Over in European
LanguagesVoice Over in South American
LanguagesNot only does LCS offer wide range of
languages to choose from but also various fields.
We provide specialized voice over services in the
listed fieldsAudio for telecommunicationsAdvert
isementsAnimations and CartoonsCBTs and
WBTsDocumentariesInstruction CDsNarrationsPubl
ic AnnouncementsRailway/Airline
AnnouncementsTraining Programs
WEBSITE MANAGEMENTWhos managing your website?
When the design is done, the copy is composed,
and the site has launched, someone needs to be
responsible for your sites ongoing maintenance.
Scribizzy provides website management services to
keep your site up-to-date and to monitor its
performance. We specialize in managing WordPress
websites. From basic administrative services,
such as updating software to extensive weekly or
monthly performance reporting.BackupsSoftware
updates (as needed)Edit written content (pages
and posts), including for grammar, spelling, and
punctuationOptimize and/or resize imagesLoad
and schedule content for publication (posts,
newsletters, images, videos, etc.)Make changes
to design and contentComment and forum
moderationManage Content Management
System(Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal open source
cms)Manage e-commerce portalSet up and/or
manage social media profilesSet up and/or manage
additional revenue streamsSearch engine
optimizationWritten or phone consultationsWebsit
e reviews (quality and health checks)Web content
developmentTraffic performance monitoringWell
keep your website running smoothly so you can
focus on running your business.
CONTACT USLanguage Consultancy Services Pvt.
Ltd.T-6 Anupam Plaza, 3rd Floor, Sri Aurobindo
Marg, Kalu Sarai, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110 016
INDIA Tel 91 11 4604 0261Fax 91-11-4604
0262Cell 91 98104 41212, 91 98100
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