Title: Paramalingam Lingathas is a Swimming Instructor in NSW
1Paramalingam Lingathas is a Swimming Instructor
in NSW
2Paramalingam Lingathas is a NSW based swimming
instructor with good experience in training
children, adults, and women different swimming
techniques. He is a professional trainer who has
the ability to design training programs as per
the requirements of the learners. He
comprehensively understands that it is difficult
to do even the basic moves in the water in the
beginning, but regular practice can help learn
even the most difficult techniques.
3When delivering swimming lessons, he always
encourages his students to overcome their fear
towards water and practice the things that are
being told. It has been more than 15 years since
he started his career as a swimming instructor.
Dedication, consistency, and hard work led him
towards the heights of success, and today, he is
among the best trainers for all kinds of swimming
4Paramalingam Lingathas has worked with a wide
range of business people, celebrities, and
professional swimmers. He considers swimming as
the best exercise, which can help build a strong
body. This whole body workout is beneficial in
improving stamina, toning muscles, reducing
cardiovascular problems, relieving stress, and
much more. He worked for a sports club in NSW
for 2 years, and then obtained the license to
coach. He has produced a wide range of
professional swimmers who has won titles in
various swimming championships.
5Paramalingam Lingathas of NSW is thinking of
building an online platform for young learners to
get swimming lessons from home. His new website
will focus both beginners and experts in
polishing their swimming skills. Different types
of video lessons will cover the swimming types
such as breaststroke, front crawl, back and
6Thank You Paramalingam Lingathas NSW