Title: Paramalingam Lingathas Runs a Graphic Design Firm in Sydney
1Paramalingam Lingathas Runs a Graphic Design Firm
in Sydney
2Paramalingam Lingathas is a Sydney based graphic
designer with many years of experience under his
belt. He runs a small graphic design firm and
caters to the graphic design needs of all types
of businesses. He has an in-house team of
talented designers who can create interesting
designs for advertisements, brochures, magazines,
corporate reports, etc.
3As a graphic designer, Paramalingam Lingathas is
responsible for developing engaging designs,
meeting clients to discuss their business
objectives requirements, developing design
briefs, etc. He works with a variety of designing
techniques like Photoshop, CAD, and more. He also
reviews the designs made by his team to ensure
they are free from any errors.
4For Paramalingam Lingathas, there is nothing as
important as the satisfaction of his clients, so
he spares no effort to make sure that they are
content with the quality of his work. For their
convenience, he offers them round-the-clock
support, which means he is available any time to
discuss the important aspects of their project.
5Before setting up his own company, Paramalingam
Lingathas worked with a leading organization in
Sydney. He started his professional career as a
teacher at a local graphic design institute where
he led 4 classes of 25-30 students every day. He
has also been actively involved in community
service. Some of the charitable organizations
that he supports at present are PETA, Red Cross,
Stand Up To Cancer, and Habitat For Humanity.
6Thank You Paramalingam Lingathas Sydney