Title: George Freeman From Seattle, Washington
1George Freeman
Presiding Chaplain at The Monastery, a Universal
Life Church
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3George Freeman is currently the heading chaplain
of The Universal Life Church Monastery and has
achieved a number of accomplishments while
working there.
4George Freeman believes in the innate creativity
of every human being. He sheds light on the
importance of indulging in creative activities
that will assist men from cradle to grave.
5George Freeman is a strong advocate of innate
creativity and focus on the significance of
creative activities and their immense role in
personality building.
6George Freeman worked for 2 years as an Account
Executive at WOR Radio. From 1977 till present,
George Freeman has been managing Chaplain at The
Monastery, a Universal Life Church.
7George freeman is managing a website which is
intended to attain a mission of spreading peace
and unity under non-discriminatory system. He
believes that previous mistakes are the best
teachers and they can play an important role in
shaping our overall personality.
8George freeman does not believe in religious
intolerance and extremism and wants everyone to
enjoy peaceful and passionate life.
9George freeman believes that religion can serve
as a peaceful tool in bringing out positive
change in the entire world.
To know more about him visit his official site