Title: Dental Simulator
1 Dental Simulators - Navadha
SimDec Simulator Simulator for Dental Training,
with LED examination Light, Phantom Head with
Torso, and Dental Delivery Unit.
2Dual Simulator Dual Simulator with stable wide
strong base allows better space use, integrated
practice labs, easier monitoring by dental
instructors, in professional clinical setting.
Dual Dental Simulator includes 2 Complete
Phantomhead, with 2 Lights and 2 Delivery Units
(complete with Air Water Syringe, coupling for
High Speed hand piece, connection for
Micro-Motor, Booster Bottles, Foot Paddle). The
entire Simulation Unit fabricated in MS, and
Phantom Torso made of high impact Plastic.
3Integrated Simulator Fully Integrated unit, with
Silent Oil Free Compressor, Fast Hand piece, Slow
Hand Piece, Low Suction, Air-Water Syringe,
Micro-motor connection (optional), Examination
Light, Fittings make the unit Mobile/Stationery,
Phantomhead with unbreakable Polymer full Torso,
Stainless Steel Aluminum non-rusting parts,
Facility to recline / adjust height / angulation
of the Torso, Soft Gums Typodont Jaw Set,
Universal Articulator that fits all type of Jaws,
storage drawer facility, Zero Piping, instant
installation, Optional facility to install
Monitor and Camera for Live relay and recording
training sessions.