Title: Rafael Jovet-Ramos - And His Education
1Rafael Jovet-Ramos His Education
Rafael Jovet-Ramos is an experienced officer in
the United States Army. He started his career by
attending the Interamerican University of Puerto
Rico (San Juan) in 2000 where he pursued a
Bachelor of Business Administration in Human
Resources Management degree. In 2007, he enrolled
at Trident University International in Cypress,
California, for a Master of Business
Administration in Logistics degree.
2Rafael Jovet-Ramos Military Education
Rafael Jovet-Ramos attended the United States
Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) at
Fort Leavenworth in 2010 to learn more about full
spectrum joint, interagency, and multinational
operations. CGSC is a graduate school for the US
Army and is dedicated to developing leaders in
various operational dimensions. The institution
is also the lead agent for developing Army
3Rafael Jovet-Ramos United States Army
Rafael Jovet-Ramos has served in the United
States Army for more than 18 years as an Officer
in Operations Management, Psychological
Operations, Logistics, Program Analysis, and
Administration. He has a track record of success
and has been recognized by American and foreign
dignitaries for his contributions to the Armys
mission. Jovet-Ramos has participated in missions
across the world during his career. Since 2013,
Rafael Jovet-Ramos has worked as a martial arts
instructor at Gracie Barra School in Spring Lake,
North Carolina.
4Rafael Jovet-Ramos Taekwondo Instructor
Rafael Jovet-Ramos has extensive knowledge of
various martial arts disciplines, including
taekwondo. Between 2010 and 2011, he was an
assistant taekwondo instructor at Fort
Leavenworth Taekwondo Academy. His
responsibilities included adapting teaching
methods to meet students needs, establish clear
objectives for all lessons and projects, and
instruct students individually and in groups
using various teaching methods and techniques.
Rafael Jovet-Ramos is an experienced martial
artist with more than 15 years of training and
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