Title: Rafael Boyzo - Foreman at JT Site Services
1Rafael Boyzo
- Foreman at JT Site Services
2Physically Active
Rafael Boyzo enjoys being physically active. His
work in the construction field supports this
energetic lifestyle. Outside of work, he likes
going to the gym, playing football, running, and
hunting. During his downtime, Rafael Boyzo reads,
plays video games, and listens to music.
3Construction Company Member
Rafael Boyzo is a foreman at JT Site Services in
Riverside, CA. He's been with the construction
company since 2012 and is passionate about his
work there. Rafael Boyzo concentrates mainly on
concrete, asphalt, and line striping.
4A Dedicated Worker
- Rafael Boyzo is a dedicated worker who rises
before the sun does to start his days. In the
future, he sees himself as a business owner, a
husband, and a father. Rafael Boyzo is happy with
his contributions in the general construction
field, where he's been performing fulfilling work
since 2012.
5Gym, Beach and Football Lover
- Rafael Boyzo works tirelessly as a construction
foreman at JT Site Services. He relishes the
physical labor and the fulfillment he gets out of
finishing a job and knowing it was done right.
Outside of work, Rafael Boyzo also enjoys
physical activity like running, working out at
the gym, going to the beach, and playing football.
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