Title: Filling up on fiber
1Health Tips
2Filling Up on Fiber
3We all know that fiber is very important for
appropriate digestion in the body, but there's
another very important thing related to fiber
that we don't know. When fiber is taken regularly
in diet in the desired amount it can reduce the
risk of coronary heart disease and colon cancer.
When you are eating a high-fibre diet, it can
help us normalize our blood sugar levels, improve
the cholesterol levels, have a positive effect on
bowel function.
4It also helps in weight loss because fibre takes
time to get digested by our body and it helps us
feel full, for a longer duration. So those of you
who are trying to shed kilos, it's time to add
more fiber to your diet. The amount of food that
we eat remains the same everyday so even when we
choose high-fibre, water-rich foods we can eat
the same weight of food but feel full on fewer
calories. As a result, we eat less frequently,
thereby controlling our food intake.
5There are mainly two types of fibres soluble and
insoluble. As the names suggest, soluble fibres
get dissolved in water while insoluble fibres do
not. Both the kinds of fibre are found naturally
in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts.
6When soluble fiber gets dissolved in water it
becomes gel-like in our stomach. It facilitates
appropriate absorption of nutrients by slowing
digestion in the stomach and intestines. Various
sources of soluble fibre are fruits, oats,
barley, dried beans and nuts.
7What we may want to avoid, however is consuming
fibre as a bulk laxative. This is because it can
drain our body of essential nutrients and
vitamins!! All these Health Tips are useful to
boost your fitness programmes.
8When you add fiber to your diet, do it slowly as
your digestive system needs time to adjust to the
new kind of consumption. Don't forget to drinks
lots of fluid to aid in the digestion of
increased intake of fiber.
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