Title: Knowing Denis Vincent - Calgary, Canada
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2Denis Vincent is a businessman and has a story
that might inspire many. Starting at a young age,
Denis worked for others for a very long time. He
worked with a number of companies for years, but
soon he found that his real passion lied in
3He started off Heli Vincent Inc. A company that
mainly works with sales and leasing of helicopter
and airplanes. Soon after, he moved to real
estate, and thats when he made some real
enemies. His name was unnecessarily included in a
number of different controversies, and his
response has been humble in many ways.
4In a recent interview, he was asked about these
different things being said about him, to which
he said, I believed in business, I believed in
Canada and Quebec, and I just work for that. He
also was quick to add that he doesnt fall for
these baits, because his work is not just for
profits, but also to help others in the long run.
5He added that he has plans to move to other
industries real soon, mainly because he doesnt
believe in stagnating in just one kind of work.
He has also assured of his work with Strong Arm
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