Title: Keto-30 Maintain and Heal | Maria Mind Body Health
Maria Emmerich is a wellness expert in nutrition
and exercise physiology. She shares a passion for
helping others reach their goals of optimal
health. She struggled with her weight throughout
childhood and decided enough was enough. She
decided to study health and wellness so she could
help others stop wasting their time being
discouraged with their outward appearance and not
feeling their best mentally. Maria understands
the connection between food and how it makes us
all feel on the inside and out.
2Nutrition and Meal Plans
Maria offers a range of packages to fit clients
individual needs and budgets. Each program has
several components including meal plans,
educational videos and instructional/tutorial
videos. Each package is designed to help you
understand what foods to eat and how to develop a
healthy lifestyle that will enable your body to
heal and to reach your goals.
- Keto-30 Maintain and Heal
3Supplement Plans
The supplement plans are not a substitution for
good nutrition. If you continue unhealthy eating,
healing and relief will be limited. It is best
to implement healthy eating with supplements to
fully heal your body.
4My Books
This a an ebook format that works on any device,
computer or mobile platform. It is a beautiful
pdf that has all the full color pages and layouts
as the printed books with click-able table of
contents and searching capabilities. This is
extremely useful when trying to find a recipe.
5Why YOU Should Consider a Ketogenic Diet
After you eat excess carbohydrates, blood glucose
stays higher longer because the glucose cant
make it into the cells of the muscles. This toxic
level of glucose is like tar in the bloodstream
clogging arteries, binding with proteins to form
damaging AGEs (Advanced Glycated End-products)
and causing inflammation. This high level of
glucose causes triglycerides to go up, increasing
your risk for heart disease.
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