Title: MASW
1Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
- Short Course
- October, 2000
- Education
- 1984, Seoul National University (B.S.)
- 1988, Ohio University (M.S.)
- 1995, The University of Kansas (Ph.D.)
- Expertise
- Seismic Technique Development for Near-Surface
Application - Swept Impact Seismic Technique (SIST)
- Software Development
- WinSeis
- SurfSeis
3Short Course (Schedule)
- Introduction to MASW (Friday, 10/13)
- Field Survey I (Saturday, 10/14)
- Field Survey II (Monday, 10/16)
- Use of SurfSeis (Tuesday, 10/17)
4Introduction to MASW
- Geophysical Methods for Near-Surface
Investigation - Surface-Wave Method
- Higher Modes (Overtones)
- Overall Procedure of MASW
- Case Studies with MASW
5Geophysical Methodsfor Near-Surface Investigation
- Seismic
- Resistivity
- Electromagnetic (EM)
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Potential Field (e.g., Gravity Survey)
6Seismic Methods
- Refraction Method
- Reflection Method
- Surface-Wave Method
- Joint (RefractionSurface Wave) Method
7Seismic Method (Refraction)
- Most Widely Used Method for Engineering
Applications - Reconnaissance Method
- (I.e., inappropriate as Exploration Method)
- Problem with Velocity Reversal
- Tomographic Approach-Most Advanced
8Seismic Method (Reflection)
- High-Resolution Imaging
- Most Difficult Method
- Weak Signal
- Complicated Processing
- Limitation with Wavelength
- Future - Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Method
9Seismic Method (Surface Wave)
- Simplest and Easiest Method for Engineering
Applications - Reconnaissance and Exploration
- Both S-Wave and P-Wave Velocity
- Widest Application
10Surface-Wave Method
- Surface Waves
11Surface Waves
- Ground Roll
- Large Amplitude
- Dispersion Property
- Near-Surface
12Dispersion of Surface Waves
Dispersion Curve
13Dispersion and Attenuation
Earth Model
Dispersion Curve
Attenuation Curve
14Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
- Pattern Recognition
- Fast Survey
- Various Multichannel Processing Methods
15Higher Modes (Overtones) of Surface Waves
- Wave Equation Predicts
- Multiple Velocities for One Frequency
- Energy and Velocity changes with Layer Model,
Source and Receiver Parameters
16Layer Model and Higher Modes
Layer Model
17Offset and Higher Modes
River-Bottom Hydrophone Data (Fraser River, B.C.)
18Dispersion Curves Fraser River, B.C.
19Higher Modes Why Excluded?
- Not Significant Energy?
- Not Easy to Detect?
- Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
- -Pattern Recognition
- -Diverse Processing
- -P- and S-Wave Velocities
- -1-D and 2-D Profiling
- Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW)
- -Two Receivers (Q/C Impossible)
- -Repeated Measurements (Time
- and Labor Intensive)
- -Dispersion Curves Speculative
- -S-Wave Velocity only
- -1-D
- Offset Dependent Dispersion Curve
- Risk of Error
- Many Measurements
- Pattern Recognition
- Accurate Dispersion Curves
- Higher Modes
22Procedure of MASW(3 Steps)
Dispersion Analysis
23MASW - Applications
1-D S-Wave Profile
2-D S-Wave Map
24MASW - Applications
2-D 3-D Vp, Vs, and Poisson's Ratio Map
25MASW - Field Procedure
- Seismic Source
- Receivers
- Seismograph
- Offsets (Source Offset and Receiver Spacing)
- Field Notes
26MASW - Seismic Source
- Hammer
- Near-Surface Material
- The Heavier, The Deeper
- Strong Source Low Frequency
- Weak Source High Frequency
- Investigation Depth (Z)
- Z lt 5 m ( lt 2 Kg)
- Z lt 10 m (lt 5 Kg)
- Z gt 10 m (10 Kg)
27MASW - Seismic Receivers
- Low-Frequency Geophones
- Near-Surface Material
- The Lower Frequency, The Deeper
- Investigation Depth (Z)
- Z lt 5 m ( 4.5 Hz, 10 Hz, 20 Hz)
- Z lt 10 m (4.5 Hz, 10 Hz)
- Z gt 10 m (4.5 Hz)
28MASW - Seismograph
- Minimum 12 Channel
- Low Dynamic Range OK
- Preparation of (at least) 24 traces by Walkaway
Format - Absolutely No Low-Cut Filter
29MASW - Offsets
- Source Offset
- Approximately 1/2 Max. Depth of Investigation
- Receiver Spacing
- The Softer Material, The Narrower
- Usual Soil Sites (0.5 m)
- Hard Surface (1 m)
- Noise Analysis
30MASW - Field Notes
- Source
- Sampling Interval (e.g., 1 ms)
- Recording Time (e.g., 1000 ms)
- Number of Channels (e.g, 12)
- Geophone (e.g., 4.5 Hz)
- Field Map
- Each Shot
- File Name (e.g., 1001.dat)
- Location of Source and Receiver (e.g., Station
Number) - Source Offset (e.g., 5 m)
- Receiver Spacing (e.g., 0.5 m)