Title: Nonadiabatic Dynamics
1Nonadiabatic Dynamics
- Ke-Li Han
- State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction
Dynamics, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Theoretical studies Nonadiabatic Quantum
dynamics of F(2P3/2,2P1/2)HD, Cl(2P3/2,
2P1/2)H2, O(3P,1D)H2 using time-dependent
wavepacket method - Experimental studies Direct measurement of the
conversion time from the Sn(n2,3,4) to the S1
states of Chlorophyll a by using femtosecond
laser in solution
3The spin-orbit effect for nonadiabatic F(2P3/2,
2P1/2) H2 /DH reaction
- Since Lee and coworkers work in 1985, the
reaction FH2 has been as a case example of
textbook for molecular reaction dynamics - Recently Kopin Liu and coworkers have found that
a resonant peak appears in the integral cross
section for the reactive channel of FHD?HFD
experimentally - Skodje and coworkers have done the quantum
scattering calculations on Stark and Werner (SW)
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6Alexander, Stark, and Werner fitted new coupled
PESs (named as ASW PESs) published in J. Chem.
Phys. 113 (2000) 11084.
7Research approach
- Improvement of the three-dimensional
time-dependent wavepacket method - Develop an extended split operator
scheme(XSOS) to propagate the quantum wavepacket - A Fortran code embodied the XSOS
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9Basis Function
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11Probabilities calculated on the two PESs and six
PESs for the reaction of F(2P1/2) with H2 (vj0)
as a function of the translation energy for
J0.5. the dotted line is for the
time-independent result(Ref.24).
12TDWP nonadiabatic calculation for the FHD
reaction on ASW surfaces
13TDWP nonadiabatic calculation for the FHD
reaction on ASW surface
14Modified ASW potential energy surfaces (MASW PESs)
- The barrier height of ASW potential energy
surfaces is lowered by 0.016eV for the lowest
barrier at the bent configuration and lowered by
0.015eV for the collinear with the scale external
correlation technique, developed by Truhlar and
The time-independent calculations were carried
out on Capecchi and Werner (CW) diabatic PESs
20We have re-fitted the diabatic coupled surfaces
for ClH2, named as Xie and Han (XH) PESs
21The integral cross sections for the reaction ClH2
- The calculated cross sections on modified ASW
PESs are much closer to experimental results than
those on ASW PESs for FHD - The calculated cross sections of the SO excited
state on XH PESs are much higher than those on CW
PESs for ClH2. We are confirming those results.
23Time-dependent wavepacket study of the
intersystem crossing effects in O(3P,1D)H2
- An exact quantum scattering calculation
24About O(3P,1D)H2 reaction
- Prolific dynamics information
- Most investigated reaction system
- Research interests
- single PES problems
- abstraction/insertion mechanism et al.
- multi-PES problems
- role of excited surface
- role of spin-orbit induced transition
25Why do this quantum calculation?
- Intersystem crossing is important in many
reaction systems such as enzymatic reaction,
surface induced collision and dissociation et al. - Very few theoretical work, no quantum study so
far - Schatz and coworkers TSH method
- Challenges are daunting difficult to perform
exact quantum scattering calculation for such
- Too many electronic states coupled in the
intersystem crossing - A feasible quantum dynamics method to treat this
multi-surface problem - The deep singlet state potential well about 7.9
eV in the reaction system
27A schematic profile of singlet-triplet crossing
in O(3P,1D)H2 reaction
Schatz and coworkers
28Results of the quantum calculations (1)
Cross section with wavepacket initially in 3P2
29Results of the quantum calculations (2)
Cross section with wavepacket initially in 3P2
30Results of the quantum calculations (3)
Cross section with wavepacket initially in 3P1
31Results of the quantum calculations (4)
Cross section with wavepacket initially in 3P1
32Results of the quantum calculations (5)
Cross section with wavepacket initially in 3P0
33Results of the quantum calculations (6)
Cross section with wavepacket initially in 3P0
34Results of the quantum calculations (7)
Cross section with wavepacket initially in 1D2
35Results of the quantum calculations (8)
Cross section with wavepacket initially in 1D2
36A comparison between the previous TSH study and
the present quantum study (1)
37A comparison between the previous TSH study and
the present quantum study (2)
38Conclusion remark
- The spin-orbit coupling between triplet states of
different symmetry, such as 3A and 3A, plays a
significant role in the singlet-triplet crossing
process. - A branch ratio of product OH spin state ?3/2 to
?1/2 is calculated to be around 2.75 1 at high
collision energy, which is in rough agreement
with the measured OH ratio of 21 in the reaction
of O(3P2,1,0) with hydrocarbon.
39Nonadiabatic quantum dynamics studies of other
- Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Energy Transfer Process
electronic quenching process O(1D)
N2(X1Sg) ?O(3P) N2(X1Sg) - Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Charge Transfer
DH2?DH2 - Nonadiabatic Photodissociation H2O, CH3I
- Ting-Xian Xie
- Yan Zhang
- Tian-Shu Chu
- Xin Zhang
- John Zhang