Title: Check KVS challan Status Online
1BY challanstatus.in
- Check KVS challan Status Online
2If your kids are studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya
CBSE schools, you will need to generate KVS
challans. KV schools are a chain of CBSE schools
in India. We have shown you here how you can pay
fees through KVS challan. Also know how to check
KVS challan status. There are more than 1000
central schools across the country.
3The CBSE schools have made it compulsory to pay
the fees to the Union Bank of India. The KVS
challan can be generated online. The portal of
Union Bank of India allows payment of KVS fees
online. KVS challan status check is also
facilitated at the UBO website
4Follow us for more updates on other challans like
KVS challan form online and traffic police
challan. Challans are forms which contain details
of the person any fee or tax. All challans have a
counterfoil which are left with the person paying
as a proof of his/her payment.
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6Check your KVS challan Status. The Kendriya
Vidyalayas are allowing online payment of the
application fees. The challan is generated after
payment of the fees.
7How to Download KVS Challan Form To Download KVS
challan form you need to visit the portal of
Union Bank of India. Visit the site
ephay.unionbankofindia.co.in/kvfee. After
downloading the challan, you can pay the fees
directly at any branch of the Union Bank or
online at the banks portal.
8Follow the option of Generate Challan and Print
Receipt. You can login using the 15 digits
identification number of the student and date of
birth of the student. The challan will be
downloaded in the PDF format. You can pay online
through net banking mode
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10fill up the downloaded challan and pay KVS fees
manually at any branch of Union Bank of India by
cash or cheque. The biggest benefit of the KVS
challan is that you can pay your childrens fees
any any branch of Union Bank of India across the
11If you are paying offline through cash or cheque
at the Union Bank, do remember to take back the
students copy of the challan with banks
acknowledgement. Follow us to know more procedure
of checking traffic challan status and TDS
challan status.