Title: About The Blues Music Shack
1About the Blues Music Shack
2Who We Are
ECS is the brainchild of critically acclaimed
Blues performer E.C. Scott who has opted to use
her vast knowledge of both Blues and business to
help expand visibility of one of Americas true
original art formsthe Blues. E.C. and the
dedicated teams at ECS Productions and The Media
Center work ceaselessly to create programming
that will at once unify, enhance and expand the
Blues Community.
3ECS Productions creates video programs for a
Blues loving, community minded television viewing
audience. We seek to unite dedicated followers of
all Blues and other Traditional African American
genres in an effort to strengthen the industry.
ECS provides a complimentary outlet for artists
and labels to showcase their talents! We are the
only company of this kind dedicated to the
unification, preservation and expansion of the
Blues community.
What We Do
4How We Do It
Our flagship program The Jook Joint fills a
unique void in the industry landscape providing a
service to gain exposure for Blues artists. We
provide an outlet for a sponsor to target a
dedicated and specific audience and ultimately an
opportunity for all involved from supporters to
suppliers to together make Blues survive and make
a living. In the future we will be expanding to
include all manner of Blues music programming.
5How We Do It
How We Do It
Our flagship program The Jook Joint fills a
unique void in the industry landscape providing a
service to gain exposure for Blues artists. We
provide an outlet for a sponsor to target a
dedicated and specific audience and ultimately an
opportunity for all involved from supporters to
suppliers to together make Blues survive and make
a living. In the future we will be expanding to
include all manner of Blues music programming.
Love, plain and simple. We love Blues music and
want it to flourish. We are committed to making
Blues relevant to new audiences. We use
television to show people that Blues music is
alive and relevant.
6Contact Information
ECS Productions c/o E.C. Scott P.O. Box
1615 Union City, CA 94587
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