The Contemporary Period - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Contemporary Period


Famous artists: Steve Barton (Raoul from Phantom of the Opera) ... Famous artists: The Beatles (John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, Stu Sutcliffe) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Contemporary Period

The Contemporary Period
Reasons For Its Name
  • 1939 marked the beginning of the Contemporary
    Period of American Literature. This period
    includes an abundance of important American
    literary figures spanning from WWII into the new
    millennium. This period received its name
    because it is the most modern of eras. Currently
    the Contemporary American literary scene is
    crowded and varied.

Characteristics of the Period
  • The Contemporary Period can be broken down
    into three eras. The first being Modernism
    (1900-1946), the second Post-Modernism
    (1946-1980), and the third being the Contemporary
    Period (1980-present).

  • During this period people were unable to
    communicate effectively and had a fear of eroding
    traditions and grief over loss of the past. This
    period was marked by overwhelming technological
    changes of the twentieth century. It brought
    upon a rise of the youth culture. The style was
    highly experimental and it had the use of
    fragments, juxtaposition, interior monologue, and
    stream of consciousness. Writers were seeking to
    create a new style. The effect of this period
    was that common readers were alienated by this

  • During this period people observed life as
    the media presented it rather than experiencing
    it directly. The populace of this period
    experienced post WWII prosperity and while the
    media culture interpreted the peoples values.
    The style present in this period was a mixture of
    fantasy with non fiction which blurs the lines of
    reality for the reader. A variety of styles
    emerged during this period including a rise in
    narratives, metafiction, magic realism, and a
    lack of heroes. The genre of the period was
    usually detached, unemotional and humorless.
    This period is revolutionary because it eroded
    the distinctions between classes of people. An
    additional effect of the period was that values
    are not permanent but merely temporary.

  • During this period the people experienced a
    new century and new millennium which stirred new
    ideas. Content included in this period is that
    people began learning to cope with problems
    through communication. Also the sense of
    identity is shaped by cultural and gender
    attitudes. Finally is the emergence of ethnic
    and women writers. Styles emerging in this
    period are both fiction and non-fiction
    narratives, anti-heroes, emotional works,
    humorous irony, and autobiographical essays.
    Effects of the period have not been concluded
    because it is too early to tell.

Major Historical Events
  • Modernism
  • 1939- WWII begins
  • 1941- Pearl Harbor is attacked by the Japanese
  • 1945- The U.S. drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima
    and Nagasaki, Japan

Major Historical Events
  • Post-Modernism
  • 1949- Apartheid occurs in South Africa
  • 1950- The Korean War begins
  • 1956- Fidel Castro takes power in a communist
  • 1957- Sputnik, the first Russian satellite is
  • 1963- President Kennedy assassinated
  • 1968- Martin Luther King is assassinated
  • 1980- Gulf War begins

Major Historical Events
  • Contemporary
  • 1981- First PC launched by IBM
  • 1991- Operation Desert Storm commenced by U.S.
  • 1993- Waco Texas compound stormed by U.S.
    government agents.
  • 1998- Explosive growth of internet for personal
  • 2001- Twin Towers attacked
  • 2003- SARS epidemic spreads worldwide

People Worth Knowing
  • Niels Bohr - regarded together with Einstein,
    Planck and Rutherford as the founder of
    contemporary physics.
  • Max Planck - was a theoretical physicist, he
    discovered that radiation of energy was
    discontinuous which provided the basis for his
    quantum theory
  • Albert Einstein - was one of the most creative
    scientists in human history. He initiated a
    revolution in scientific thought with his theory
    of relativity.
  • Pablo Picasso - The Spanish painter, sculptor,
    and graphic artist was one of the most prodigious
    and revolutionary artists in the history of
    Western painting.
  • George Bernard Shaw - G. S. Shaw was born in
    Dublin, Ireland, and became the most significant
    British playwright of the last 300 years.
  • Bertold Brecht - His popularity came with the
    'Threepenny Opera' in 1928.

People Worth Knowing
  • Thomas Mann - Mann is the best-known German
    novelist of the early 1900's. ('The Magic
  • Ernest Hemingway - was a novelist and short-story
    writer who wrote in a virile and extrovert style.
    His literary work is distinguished for his
    concise stylistic purity, emotional veracity and
    dramatic vision.
  • Bertrand Russell - ranks among the greatest
    philosophers of the 1900's and is known as the
    most important logician since Aristotle
  • Jean-Paul Sartre - Sartre ranks as the most
    versatile writer and dominant influence in three
    decades of French intellectual life.
  • Joseph Stalin - In the 1930's Stalin became
    virtual dictator of the USSR.
  • Winton Churchill - was prime minister of England
    twice and played a considerable role in the
    eventual allied victory over Germany.
  • Adolf Hitler - was the leader of the National
    Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazi) and the
    Fuhrer of the Third Reich. Historically he may be
    called the most destructive man of the 20th
    century and his reckless war policy contributed
    greatly to the decline of Europe as the center of
    world affairs

People Worth Knowing
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt - was the 32nd
    President of the US. He was born in Hyde Park,
    N.Y. Admitted to the New York bar in 1907, he
    served as a progressive state senator and
    assistant navy secretary. After a crippling
    attack of polio in 1921, he resumed his political
    career, becoming governor of New York.
  • Mahatma Gandhi - Gandhi was the leader of the
    Indian nationalist movement against British rule
  • Mao Tse-Tung - Leader and revolutionary
    strategist of the Chinese communist revolution

Prominent Authors and Their Works
  • 1 Ernest Hemingway
  • The Torrents of Spring
  • The Sun Also Rises
  • Winner Take Nothing
  • 6 E.B. White
  • Stuart Little
  • Everyday is Saturday
  • The Points of My Compass
  • 2 William Faulkner
  • Intruder in the Dust
  • Knights Gambit
  • The Hamlet
  • 7 James Thurber
  • Men Women and Dogs
  • Many Moons
  • The White Dear
  • 3 Lewis Sinclair
  • Gideon Planish
  • Cass Timberlane
  • The God-Seeker
  • 8 Adrianne Rich
  • A Change of World
  • Leaflets
  • The Dream of a Common Language
  • 4 Pearl Buck
  • Mandala
  • The Hidden Flower
  • East and West
  • 9 Sylvia Plath
  • Pursuit
  • The Colussus
  • The Bell Jar
  • 5 R.P. Blackmur
  • The Second World
  • From Jordans Delight
  • The Second World
  • 10 Samuel Eliot Morrison
  • Christopher Colomus
  • Old Brain
  • John Paul Jones

  • Art Deco was a very popular form of
    architecture in the early contemporary period
    (1925-1940). This style was characterized by
    geometric designs, bold colors, and the use of
    plastic and glass. Newer styles today are still
    being influenced by this older pattern. This
    design did not just affect architecture, but also
    furniture, sculpture, clothing, and jewelry.

Chrysler Building This art deco masterpiece was
completed in 1930, its distinctive cap echoing
the shape of the 1929 Chrysler radiator cap. The
architect William Van Alen made many other
references to Chrysler automobiles in the design
and decoration of the building.
Essex house
  • Modern architecture emerged in many Western
    countries in the decades after the World Wars.
    It is based on the rational use of modern
    materials, the principles of functionalist
    planning, and the rejection of historical
    precedent and ornament. This style has been
    generally designated as modern.

Abteiburg Museum An example of Modern
architecture designed by Hans Hollein.
Bank of China Tower
Allen-Lambe House By Frank Lloyd Wright
Fallingwater House By Frank Lloyd Wright
Technological Advances
  • 1942 Atomic Reaction
  • 1951 UNVIC I commercial computer
  • 1958 Polio Vaccine
  • 1958 Explorer I Satellite
  • 1969 Moon Landing
  • 1974 Barcode
  • 1981 Space Shuttle
  • 1982 Artificial Heart
  • 1983 Personal Computer

  • 1947 Tight waist, Stiff petticoats, billowing
  • 1950 Stiletto Shoes
  • 1954 Semi-fit dresses
  • 1960s Mini-skirts Hot pants bell bottoms
  • 1968 Earthy clothes
  • 1970 Sweater Sets, form fitting dresses
  • 1979 Leather becomes popular
  • 1990s - Everything goes

  • Many Artist of the Contemporary period were
    influenced by the Harlem Renaissance
  • Some of the artists included Charels Sebree, John
    Biggers, Hale Woodruff, Beauford Delaney and
    Ernie Barnes
  • Ernie Barnes Sugar Shack has become famous in
    the last few decades
  • Pablo Picasso was also world renown during this
    period for his revolutionary paintings
  • Another form of Art for the time period is known
    as Contemporary Realism which is straightforward
    realistic style of painting which continues to be
    widely practiced in this post-abstract era
  • Some of the best known Artists of this style are
    Neil Welliver, William Bailey, and Philip

Fine Art
  • Jazz- A popular style of music which originated
    in the early twentieth century in New Orleans
    which combined elements of European-American and
    African music. This style developed largely in
    urban areas, especially in Chicago, and New York.
    It is characterized by syncopated rhythms, blue
    notes, and the use of the seventh and ninth
  • Famous artists Keter Betts, Benny Golson
  • Blues- American form of folk music related to
    jazz. It is based on a simple, repetitive,
    poetic-musical structure. Famous artists B.B.
  • Broadway Musical- This popular form of theater
    was developed in the twentieth century America
    and England. These performances use popular
    music of the time to augment the story line.
    Famous artists Steve Barton (Raoul from Phantom
    of the Opera)
  • Rock and Roll-A type of popular American music of
    the 1950s. Essentially this style is a highly
    rhythmic style of blues and most compositions are
    in some form of the twelve-bar blues form.
    Famous artists The Beatles (John Lennon, George
    Harrison, Paul McCartney, Stu Sutcliffe)
  • Heavy Metal- A style of rock music characterized
    by the extreme use of the electric guitar, a
    persistent beat, either fast or slow, and a vocal
    part. This became very popular in the later half
    of the twentieth century mostly among young
  • Famous artists Van Halen ( Eddie Van
    Halen, Alex Van Halen, Michael Anthony, David Lee
    Roth, Sammy Hagar, Gary Cherone)
  • Rap- An American style of rhythmic chanting
    consisting of improvised rhymes performed to
    rhythmic accompaniment. Famous artists Eminem,
    50 Cent

Billy Joel, We Didnt Start the Fire
  • Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie
    RaySouth Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe
    DiMaggioJoe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker,
    televisionNorth Korea, South Korea, Marilyn
  • Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, PanmunjomBrando,
    The King and I and The Catcher in the Rye
  • Eisenhower, vaccine, England's got a new
    queenMarciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye
  • CHORUSWe didn't start the fireIt was always
    burningSince the world's been turningWe didn't
    start the fireNo we didn't light itBut we tried
    to fight it
  • Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser aand
    ProkofievRockefeller, Campanella, Communist
  • Roy hn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, dacronDien Bien
    Phu falls, Rock Around the Clock

Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning
teamDavy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley,
Disneyland Bardot, Budapest, Alabama,
KrushchevPrincess Grace, Peyton Place, trouble
in the Suez CHORUS Little Rock, Pasternak,
Mickey Mantle, KerouacSputnik, Chou En-Lai,
Bridge on the River Kwai Lebanon, Charlse de
Gaulle, California baseballStarkweather,
homicide, children of thalidomide Buddy Holly,
Ben Hur, space monkey, MafiaHula hoops, Castro,
Edsel is a no-go U-2, Syngman Rhee, payola and
KennedyChubby Checker, Psycho, Belgians in the
Congo CHORUS Hemingway, Eichmann, Stranger in a
Strange LandDylan, Berlin, Bay of Pigs invasion
  • Lawrence of Arabia, British BeatlemaniaOle Miss,
    John Glenn, Liston beats Patterson
  • Pope Paul, Malcolm X, British politician sexJFK,
    blown away, what else do I have to say
  • Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon back
    againMoonshot, Woodsto, Watergate, punk
    rockBegin, Reagan, Palestine, terror on the
    airlineAyatollah's in Iran, Russians in
  • Wheel of Fortune, Sally Ride, heavy metal,
    suicideForeign debts, homeless vets, AIDS,
    crack, Bernie GoetzHypodermics on the shores,
    China's under martial lawRock and roller cola
    wars, I can't take it anymore
  • We didn't start the fireBut when we are
    goneWill it still burn on, and on, and on, and
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