Title: Career Advice Improve Your Communication Skills
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3- The ability to communicate effectively is the
most important skill for building your career.
4- As you interact with your clients and colleagues,
the way you communicate speaks volumes about your
professionalism, and it allows you to forge
powerful connections that will take your career
to the next level.
5- It is important to remember, however, that good
communication involves more than just the ability
to speak eloquently.
6Keep these strategies in mind as you work on your
communication skills, and you will notice
improvements in every area of your career.
8- Too often, communication breaks down because
people are too distracted to listen.
9- Although its tempting to try to guess what the
other speaker is going to say next or plan your
response, it is important to stay focused
throughout the other persons speech.
10Avoid staring out the window or glancing at your
Instead, look directly at the other person and
make it your goal to hear every word they say.
12People enjoy talking to people who give them a
favorable response and showing interest in the
other person is essential for building
relationships with clients.
13In fact, a simple smile or nod as they talk can
prompt them to provide you with more insight into
their preferred style of financial management.
14While you do not have to agree with everything a
person says, it does help to show that you are
genuinely trying to understand their perspective.
16Body language can often reveal far more than a
persons words.
Yet, you can also give off the wrong signals if
your body language does not match the impression
you want to convey.
17Make sure to maintain a calm, relaxed posture.
Avoid crossing your arms or leaning back casually
in your chair.
18Instead, lean toward the person who is speaking
and make eye contact so they know you are fully
involved in the conversation.
20- Everyone has a preferred way to communicate and
tapping into a persons preferences will show you
care while also getting you faster responses.
21During your initial meeting with someone, ask how
they prefer to communicate.
22You may also notice when a client ignores your
voicemails but quickly responds to an email.
When this happens, switch your main method of
communication to reflect their preference.
24- Misunderstandings are one of the biggest
breakdowns in communication that can occur.
For this reason, it is best to end every
conversation with clarification of what has been
25- Rephrase what the other person has said and ask
questions about anything you do not understand.
This gives the other person an opportunity to
correct anything that may have been
26- Improving your communication skills will bolster
your career by eliminating misunderstandings and
allowing you to build stronger professional
27- As you work on this critical career skill,
remember that communication strategies are always
a work in progress.
28- Treat each new contact as an opportunity to
continue improving your ability to communicate
and you will see results in the favorable
responses you receive from your clients and
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