Title: Same Set Of Genes Can Cause Happiness And Depression
1Same Set Of Genes Can Cause Happiness And
2Researchers have found that the same set of genes
that make us prone to depression could also lead
us to positivity in life.
3The findings showed that cognitive biases occur
when people consistently interpret situations
though particular mental filters.
4We suggest that while no gene causes mental
ill health, some genes can make people more
sensitive to the effects of their environment
for better and for worse, said Elaine Fox,
Professor at the Oxford University in the UK.
5Individuals who have a cognitive bias that
emphasises negative aspects or thoughts, are more
at risk of mental health disorders, researchers
6What happens to peoples mental health is based
on their environment, not because of differences
in genes.
7If an individual is in a negative environment,
he/she is likely to develop the negative
cognitive biases that lead to mental disorders.
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