Title: Crowdfunding Community
1CrowdNukeThe Crowdfunding Community
2Crowdfunding (a form of crowdsourcing) is the
practice of funding a project or venture by
raising monetary contributions from a large
number of people.
3Today often performed via internet-mediated
registries, but the concept can also be executed
through mail-order subscriptions, benefit events,
and other methods.
4- Crowdfunding is a form of alternative finance,
which has emerged outside of the traditional
financial system. - The crowdfunding model is based on three types of
actors the project initiator who proposes the
idea and project to be funded individuals or
groups who support the idea and a moderating
organization that brings the parties together to
launch the idea
5CrowdNuke was established as a dedicated portal
for news and tips all related to crowdfunding, a
dedicated portal for crowdfunding related
6In the expansion CrowdNuke, decided to include
all possible networking features which is
required to crowdfunding marketing and promotions.
7CrowdNuke community is all for every crowdfunding
campaigner to use at leisure but to meet
like-minded people and promote your crowdfunding
campaign, will give you the ability to network
world-wide with those with the same passion about