Title: Orphanage Volunteering
1Habari - Volunteering and Touring Africa
2Introduction HABARI - Volunteering Touring
Africa was formed in early 2016, with the aim of
making volunteering possible for everybody
through affordable, safe, high quality projects
in local projects.
We have already helped more than 1200 volunteers
get placements within the regions we are covering.
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4Our Mission and Vision
The mission of HABARI - Volunteering Touring
Africa is to encourage international volunteers
to contribute in sustainable community
development that benefits the underprivileged and
extremely poor.
By developing the places and the communities, the
volunteers are also developing themselves and
learning new perspectives and ideas that will
ultimately change their lives.
5Volunteering/Internship opportunities.
?-Orphanage volunteering. ?Teaching in Primary
and High school. ?Sports volunteering. ?Group/Me
dical Volunteer. ?Cultural conservation ?Communi
ty work volunteering ?Social work
Volunteering ?Construction volunteering. ?HIV
Aids projects volunteering ?Micro finance
6Project Description
Habari - Volunteering and Touring Africa is
passionate about facilitating short-term mission
trips in Africa. Whether ministering in the city
or in the heart of the bush, we can tailor-make
each mission trip itinerary according to the
specific needs, preferences and budget of each
group. Habari - Volunteering and Touring Africa
can also help connect international churches or
ministries seeking a local partner with an
appropriate church, ministry or organization in
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9Habari - Volunteering and Touring Africa
Germany Office Lars Madaus Backbord 35 23570
Lübeck 491724247520 larsmadaus_at_aol.com Germany
- Kenyan Office Ngong Road, Nairobi
- Tel 254 721 528 729 / 254 724 518
- 658
- Skype barkimutua
- Email
- info_at_habarivolunteersandtours.com
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