Title: Daniel Kwasi Twum-Acheampong
1Daniel Kwasi Twum-Acheampong Actively
Participated in Diverse Extracurricular Activities
2Daniel Kwasi Twum-Acheampong is a student
currently enrolled at engineering college of
University of Virginia. He has a drive to excel
in whatever he does and is appreciated for his
friendly and outgoing personality. Whether its
sports or studies, he takes everything seriously
and tries to contribute 100 from his side.
During his school days in Eastern Regional High
School, Voorhees, NJ, he showed good ability to
learn, extraordinary leadership qualities, and
determination to succeed in every work that he
3Daniel Kwasi Twum-Acheampong is a young sports
enthusiast who graduated from Eastern Regional
High School, Voorhees, New Jersey in June 2011.
The school is a four-year comprehensive public
high school for students in grade 9 to 12. It was
established in 1965 and is considered one of the
most prestigious schools in the area. The school
teams are called Vikings. Acheampong is a
dedicated, hard working, and intelligent student
who has keen interest in sports, arts, music, and
various other extracurricular activities.
4He was the SJSCA South Jersey Defensive Player of
the year 2010. His team won various titles
including 1st team all Olympic American
Conference 2009-2010, 1st Team all-state, 1st
Team all South Jersey, 1st Team all South Jersey
Group IV 2009-2010, ADIDAS 2nd Team all-region
and NSCAA 2nd Team all-region. Along with Soccer,
Daniel Kwasi Twum-Acheampong also plays tennis,
volleyball, golf, lacrosse, and basketball. He
is a member of the National Honor Society. He
took part in various extracurricular activities
in school and volunteered his services for many
5Thank You!