Title: Space Utilisation - Workplace Space Planning Solutions (1)
1Space Utilisation - Workplace Space Planning
2With ABW being adopted by organisations that have
traditionally assigned workstations to every
employee, or even still have offices for their
staff, understanding what your staff do, not just
when they are in is key.
3We encourage our clients to assess the attendance
of their staff not just between 9am to 5pm, but
overlay staff activities to assist in the
determination of workpoint sharing ratios by
4The activities also impact on what other
furniture solutions are needed to successfully
create functional workpoints that will be used
from day 1. In agile or ABW environments
assessment of space utilisation is now based on
work points and not just the workstations.
5For more info Visit us _at_ http//wsps.com.au/ or
call us today! 1800 WORKPLACE (1800 96 75 75)