Title: John Haag - Aerobatic Pilot
1John Haag Aerobatic Pilot
John Haag is a talented executive who is able to
work with companies of all sizes to help them to
achieve their business objectives. He is also a
competitive aerobatic pilot, which is a sport
that requires immense amounts of discipline and
training before one can become proficient. He
approaches the activity with the same level of
determination that he has every task that he has
encountered during his career.
2John Haag Experienced Business Advisor
John Haag has spent a number of decades working
as a business advisor and banker for some of the
largest companies in the United States. He
started his career as an accountant and manager
at KPMG, spending six years at the company before
moving into a role at JP Morgan. He has
demonstrated a creative flair and knack for
solving complex problems in every role that he
has held since.
3John Haag Military Family
John Haag comes from a family that is steeped in
military history. His father was an aircraft
mechanic who has stationed in Karachi, Pakistan
when Haag was born. He was asked to work on the
Presidents helicopter later on in his career,
but had to pass up the opportunity because of the
Vietnam War. Johns father retired from military
service once the war had ended.Once the war was
over, Haags father moved to Virginia
4John Haag A Talent For Music
John Haag first discovered that he had an
interest in music when he started attending high
school at Newport News once his family had
settled in Virginia. He began nurturing this
talent and went on to study as a jazz musician at
the University of North Texas, before deciding to
make the transition to accounting later on in his
academic career.
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