Title: Mexican American Immersion Project
1Mexican AmericanImmersion Project
- Patty Sibley
- CNDV 5320 Multicultural Counseling
- Section C16
- Lamar University
2U.S. Histpanic/Latino Population
- 55,279,452 total Hispanic / Latino U.S.
Population in 2014. - 35,320,579 of total Hispanic U.S. population are
of Mexican decent. - -Factfinder.census.gov
- 72 First Generation U.S. Latinos Spanish is
Dominate or Preferred Language. - 47 Second Generation U.S. Latinos are Bilingual
- -Villalba in Hays Erford
- Vast Majority of U.S. Latinos are Christian.
- Most Identify as Roman Catholic.
- Latino Population is More Likely to Seek a Priest
or Minister for Emotional Difficulty. - -Villalba in Hays Erford
- Distinct Family Roles
- Machismo Strong, virile, powerful man who takes
care of family by providing food and shelter. - Marianismo Women viewed as pure, making
sacrifices for husband and children, not engaged
in premarital sex, and is a nurturing female role
model for daughters. - Strong Family Unit of Both Immediate and Extended
Family. - Respect for Parental Authority and Elders.
- -Baruth Manning
6LaFamilia Resource Center
Me, Diana Barrios-Program Coordinator, Sherese
Picornell-Program Director, Sylvia Stelly
Executive Director
- LaFamilia Resource Center is a bilingual
organization that provides the Lake Charles, LA
area with services, resources, and referrals that
are aimed to help multicultural families and
individuals adapt to life in Southwest Louisiana.
They offer American citizenship classes, ESL
(English as second language classes, Spanish)
classes, family advocacy services, as well as
translation assistance, after-school tutoring,
and referrals to other resources.
7Rositas Authentic Mexican Restaurant
Molcajete is a soup-type dish with fajita meat in
a red sauce with cactus and onions served with
flour tortillas. It was served in an molcajete
bowl, which is crafted in Mexico from volcanic
Me outside the restaurant, and Maria, owner of
Rositas (Right).
- Maria (the owner of Rositas) chose my meal. She
served me a molcajete dish and a Jarritos
mandarin soda. The molcajete dish was a
soup-type dish with fajita beef meat in a red
sauce with cactus and onions. It was served with
flour tortillas to wrap the molcajete. It came
in an authentic molcajete bowl, which Maria said
was crafted in Mexico from volcanic rock. The
side dishes were a bean soup, rice, pico de
gallo, and guacamole. The drink was an orange
soda made in Mexico. The visit to Rositas
Restaurant was educational, and I feel I had the
opportunity to experience truly authentic Mexican
8Immersion Dialogue with Priscila Rodriguez
- Priscila Rodriguez is a substitute teacher at
Merryville High School, and is originally from
Brownsville, TX. I had the opportunity to sit
down with her on several occasions, and she was
very open to the idea of sharing her past Mexican
American culture experiences with me. She shared
her experiences growing up with a twin sister,
Patricia (I also have a twin) an older sister,
Mary and a younger brother, Jesus. She taught me
a great deal about the culture in which she grew
9First Communion (Primiera Comunion)
- Before the ceremony of first communion, there are
classes to teach children prayers called Dotrina
(in Spanish which is Roman Catholic Catechism).
Every child takes two years of Dotrina classes
before they can receive the bread and wine
received in the Communion ceremony. For this
grand ceremony, Priscilia and Patricia picked 2
godparents that paid for their dresses and party.
The party took place after the religious
Patricia and Priscila
10Charro Days Fiesta
Twin sister, Patricia younger brother, Jesus
and Priscila
Patricia and Priscila
- In Brownsville Texas where Priscila grew up, the
Charro Days Fiesta was in late February, and
celebrated the traditional Mexican horsemen.
Priscilia remembers dressing up in traditional
charro costumes and going to huge parades, the
carnival, street parties, and elaborate firework
Click above to view current video featuring
Charro Days Fiesta.
A quinceñera is a special ceremony that many
Mexican American girls have when they reach the
age of 15. It is a sign of showing that she is
becoming a woman. Priscila and Patricias
quinceñera was funded by their godparents. During
a religious ceremony the girls got blessed by
their priest. An elaborate party followed the
ceremony. They celebrated with cake and dancing.
- American Fact Finder. (2014). http//factfinder.ce
nsus.gov/faces/tableservices/ jsf/pages/productvi
ew.xhtml?pidACS_14_1YR_B03001prodTypetable - Baruth, L. G., Manning, M. L. (2012).
Multicultural counseling and psychotherapy - A lifespan approach (5th ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ Pearson Education. - Photographs of Priscila Flores-Rodriguez.
(1989-2016). Dialogue photos, - Brownsville, TX.
- University of Texas-Brownsville. (2012). Expert
of the Month Charro Days Video file. - Retrieved from https//www.youtube.com/watch?ve
vVDddJtuK8 - Villalba, J. A. (2014). Individuals and Families
of Latin Descent. In D. G. Hays, B. T. - Erford (Eds.), Developing multicultural
counseling competence (2nd ed., - pp. 313-340). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson