Title: Matthew Parker Indiana - Renowned Motivational Speaker
1Matthew Parker Indiana Renowned Motivational
Matthew Parker Indiana has positioned himself as
the must-have speaker for those interested in
learning how to make the most of life. Matthew
Parker Indiana received a Bachelor of Business
Administration from the University of Indiana in
1975 and his Masters two years later, in 1977. In
addition to speaking, he enjoys golfing, flying
planes, traveling and spending time with his
family. He is a husband, father to four amazing
boys and lives with his family in Blountsville,
2Matthew Parker Indiana Founder of Indiana
Motivational Speakers
Matthew Parker Indiana has quickly become the
must have speaker for anyone interested in
learning how to make the most of life. Matthew
Parker Indiana got his Bachelor of Business
Administration from the University of Indiana in
1975 and started his speakers bureau after
spending many years working as a traveling
salesman for a multinational company. He has
found great success as a speaker, especially in
the Midwest region of the United States. As for
the future, he plans on expanding his roster of
speakers and also to start speaking
internationally, especially in Europe.
3Matthew Parker Indiana Entrepreneur
Matthew Parker Indiana is the founder of Indiana
Motivational Speakers, the top bureau of speakers
in the state. Matthew Parker got his Bachelor of
Business Administration from the University of
Indiana in 1975, but only went on to found his
speakers bureau in 2001. In addition to speaking,
he enjoys skiing, watching Netflix and spending
time with his family. He is a loving husband,
father to four boys (ages 8-14) and lives with
his family in the small city of Blountsville,
For more details visit here