Title: Godwoman Booked under Dowry Act (1)
1Godwoman Booked under Dowry Act
2Radhe Maa, a guru, and god woman found her self
surrounded by allegations of dowry harassment
after Nikki Gupta, a housewife who was married
into a family of Radhe Maa devotees alleged that
the guru had instigated her father to part with
money as dowry. As this was not done as per the
demands made, Radhe Maa would repeatedly harass
the girl by abusing her, beating her up and
making her work like a servant at Radhe Maa's
house. However, subsequent probes could not bring
up any factual evidence to back any of the claims
made and the case collapsed on its own. The HC
gave relief to Radhe Maa due to this lack of
evidence. Read more on www.radhemaa.com For
more such stories follow Shri Radhe Guru Maaon
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3Contact admin_at_radhemaa.com www.radhemaa.com