Hospice 101-The-Basics-You-Should-Know - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hospice 101-The-Basics-You-Should-Know


The mention alone of the term "hospice" can be sensitive. End-of-life issues can be difficult to approach for many. However, a better understanding of hospice might ease some of the pain often associated with the end of life. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hospice 101-The-Basics-You-Should-Know

Hospice 101 The Basics You Should Know
The mention alone of the term "hospice" can be
sensitive. End-of-life issues can be difficult to
approach for many. However, a better
understanding of hospice might ease some of the
pain often associated with the end of life.
Nearly 45 of all deaths in the United States
occurred while under the care of hospice,
according to the 2012 census study of the
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
(NHPCO). With the increased use of hospice
services, it is important to understand the
basics of hospice care.
Hospice is a specialized form of care for those
individuals facing life-limiting illnesses.
Hospice utilizes an eclectic approach that
encompasses the person's physical, emotional,
social and spiritual needs that are unique to the
end of one's life. Hospice can also provide
support to those who love the person who is
dying, prior to the death and even afterwards.
  • What services can hospice provide?
  • Most hospice programs follow the federal
    guidelines that Medicare sets. These services
    might include
  • Services of the medical team (physician, nurse,
    social workers, etc)
  • Medical equipment
  • Medication (for symptoms and general comfort)
  • Dietary needs and support
  • Therapy (physical and occupational)
  • Grief and loss counseling and continued support

Care received through hospice is typically
covered by Medicare, Medicaid and HMOs, or
private insurance plans. It is important to get a
clear explanation of the loved one's benefits to
make sure services are covered.
Many assume that hospice care only occurs in a
facility. However, that is not the case. Although
hospice care can occur in a facility, many
consumers are electing to have hospice services
rendered in the comfort of the loved one's home.
Many find that having a loved one receive care in
the comfort of home can be reassuring to the one
It is impossible to predict the end of life.
Hospice used to be associated with cancer
patients. However, when illnesses such as lung
disease, congestive heart failure and cancer,
doctors are able to help the patient and family
understand at what point hospice should be
contacted for services.
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