Title: The 10 Second Lesson Season 1 Episode 1
Season 1 Episode 1
Alexon Fergus
2As Seen On
3Alexon Fergus
Hi this is Alexon Fergus, founder of
Play4Church.com and the creator of The 10 Second
Lesson! The reason I am here smiling with you
is because am excited for you. You see, what
youre about to experience will be
life-changing! I know you love music and I do
too - so thats something we have in common. I
also know that youve always wanted to play the
keyboards and perhaps other instruments as well.
I think thats awesome, dont you? Wellyou know
what, I am going to help you achieve your musical
dreams and goals! So lets jump right in and get
started. Flip to the next page to see how well
make this happy journey a reality. Thanks for
reading this e-book. All the best on your
musical journey
- Alexon Fergus
4Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction C Position Thumb
Position Finger Naming Scale Mastery Step 1 Scale
Mastery Step 2 Scale Mastery Step 3 Scale Mastery
Step 4 Scale Mastery Step 5 Section 2 Left Hand
Fingering Finger Crossing Explanation Left Hand
Scale Mastery Step 1 Left Hand Scale Mastery Step
2 Left Hand Scale Mastery Step 3 Left Hand Scale
Mastery Step 4 Left Hand Scale Mastery Step 5
Section 1
- Welcome to The 10 Second Lesson Season 1 Episode
1 - In this training youll learn the entire strategy
for mastering the C Major Scale - You will also learn both left and right hand
techniques for mastery
C Major Scale
6C Position
- As you would notice C is found to the left of the
group of 2 black keys - This is the first note of the C Major Scale
2 Black Keys C to the Left
7Thumb Position
- C should be played with your thumb!
- Notice the position of all the other fingers -
gently resting on the neighboring white keys and
ready to play
C played with your thumb
8Finger Naming
- Here is a unique Finger Naming method and will be
used in all fingering patterns - Other trainers may suggest using 12345 however
Ive found this method works best because it
doesn't contradict the Number System - Another
very important system for learning music
Finger Names
9Scale Mastery Step 1
- Scale mastery can be tricky at times - a strong
will, discipline and endurance are required - It also requires specific steps in order that
there is fluency and confidence when you play.
Here is Step 1 - This Step is Step 1 of the 5 Step Formula for
Scale Mastery
10Scale Mastery Step 1 (cont)
- Break up into 2 Groups
- Group 1 A three note group - CDE (Played with
Thumb Index Middle fingers) - Group 2 A four note group - FGAB (Played with
Thumb Index Middle Ring Fingers)
Thumb Index Middle Fingers
Thumb Index Middle Ring Fingers
11Scale Mastery Step 1 (cont)
- Do you remember the C Major Scale Diagram from
the introduction? - When ending the last C at the end is played
with the Little Finger (See page 8) - Groups 1 2 Combine to create All 7 Notes of
the C Major Scale
C Major Scale - All 7 Notes Last C Played with
Little Finger
Groups 1 2 Create Entire Scale
12Scale Mastery Step 2
- This is Step 2 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - The Holding Technique is a revolutionary music
mastery method that I created after many years of
study and teaching - The Holding Technique is applied to the Scale
Mastery System
13Scale Mastery Step 2 (cont)
- The Holding Technique concept
- Press the notes down that you want to master and
Hold them in position for a certain amount of
time - This develops the muscle memory in your brain
and makes mastery much faster
Thumb Index Middle Fingers
Thumb Index Middle Ring Fingers
14Scale Mastery Step 2 (cont)
- Set a timer and hold the notes for each group for
2-5 minutes each - Do not release your hand until the time has
elapsed - Do the same for both Group 1 Group 2
Thumb Index Middle Fingers
Thumb Index Middle Ring Fingers
15Scale Mastery Step 3
- This is Step 3 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - Work on the Cross Over Points In order to have
a smooth transition from one group of notes to
the next - The Cross Over Points can make or break the
fluidity and beauty of your scale technique Learn
and Master them well
16Scale Mastery Step 3 (cont)
- Working on the cross-overs concept
- Getting a smooth turn from one group to the next
is hugely important in mastering the scale - Remember the 2 Groups of notes from the Major
Scale? WellThe cross-over points are the areas
where we move from one group to the next - Going up, the Thumb crosses under the Middle
17Scale Mastery Step 3 (cont)
- Working on the cross-overs demonstration
- Going down, the Middle Finger crosses over the
18Scale Mastery Step 3 (cont)
- Working on the cross-overs rotation
- The Middle Finger should rotate allowing the hand
to lean towards the right so the Thumb can easily
cross-under - Now the Thumb can easily reach the note F and
begin Group 2 A smooth crossing occurs
19Scale Mastery Step 3 (cont)
- Working on the cross-overs rotation
- The Ring Finger should also rotate allowing the
hand to lean towards the right so the Thumb can
easily cross-under - Now the Thumb can easily reach the note C and
begin Group 1 again - a smooth crossing occurs
20Scale Mastery Step 4
- This is Step 4 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - Use the Holding Technique On The Cross Over
Points This ensures mastery of the critical
transition points - the crossings - The Cross Over Points Combining specific
attention to The Cross Over Points with The
Holding Technique really irons out the bumps in
your scales
21Scale Mastery Step 4 (cont)
- Use the Holding Technique On The Cross Over
Points method - Press the two notes at the cross -over points
down, with the correct fingering, the way they
would be played in the actual scale - E with
Middle Finger F with the Thumb - Hold for 3-5
minutes - Do the same at the B to C crossing using Ring
Finger on B Thumb on C - Hold for 3-5 minutes
22Scale Mastery Step 5
- This is Step 5 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - Play Extremely Slowly To A Beat If you want to
really master this scale - slow playing is the
secret - Repeat Steps 1-5 each day for 7 days at the same
time each day - The following 7 days Focus Only on Step 5 - play
the entire scale extremely slowly to a beat - 4
beats per note - everyday - at the same hour each
day - 15 minutes non-stop each day
23Scale Mastery Step 5 (cont)
- Play Extremely Slowly To A Beat method
- Play Extremely Slowly means - 4 beats per note
- Do two Octaves C to C to C - ascending and
24Left-hand Fingering
Section 2
- The ascending scale Starts with the Little
Finger on C - Followed by Ring Finger on D, Middle Finger on E
Index Finger on F and ending with the Thumb on G
Little Finger
Starting On C
Thumb on G
25Finger Crossing Explanation
- Rotate on the Thumb on G
- Middle Finger crosses over the Thumb Lands on A
Rotate on G
Middle Finger Crossing Over Thumb
Lands on A
26Finger Crossing Explanation
- Rotate on the Thumb on C
- Ring Finger crosses over the Thumb Lands on D
Second Crossing Point
Rotate on C
27Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 1
- This is Step 1 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - Break Up Scale into Groups
28Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 1 (cont)
- Group 1 ABC - Middle Index Thumb
- Group 2 DEFG - Ring Middle Index Thumb
29Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 2
- This is Step 2 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - The Holding Technique is a revolutionary music
mastery method that I created after many years of
study and teaching - The Holding Technique is applied to the Scale
Mastery System
30Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 2 (cont)
- The Holding Technique concept
- Press the Group 1 notes down that you want to
master and Hold them in position for 3-5
minutes - Press the Group 2 notes down that you want to
master and Hold them in position for 3-5
minutes - This develops the muscle memory in your brain
and makes mastery much faster
31Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 3
- This is Step 3 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - Work on the Cross Over Points In order to have
a smooth transition from one group of notes to
the next - The Cross Over Points can make or break the
fluidity and beauty of your scale technique Learn
and Master them well
32Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 3 (cont)
- Working on the cross-overs concept
- Middle Finger Crosses over the Thumb going up
Thumb crosses under the Middle Finger going down - Ring Finger Crosses over the Thumb going up
Thumb crosses under the Ring Finger going down
33Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 4
- This is Step 4 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - Use the Holding Technique On The Cross Over
Points This ensures mastery of the critical
transition points - the crossings - The Cross Over Points Combining specific
attention to The Cross Over Points with The
Holding Technique really irons out the bumps in
your scales
34Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 4 (cont)
- Use the Holding Technique On The Cross Over
Points method - Press the two notes at the cross -over points
down, with the correct fingering, the way they
would be played in the actual scale - A with
Middle G with Thumb - Hold for 3-5 minutes - Do the same at the C to D crossing using Ring
Finger on D Thumb on C - Hold for 3-5 minutes - Remember to use a timer
35Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 5
- This is Step 5 of the 5 Step Formula for Scale
Mastery - Play Extremely Slowly To A Beat If you want to
really master this scale - slow playing is the
secret - Repeat Steps 1-5 each day for 7 days at the same
time each day - The following 7 days Focus Only on Step 5 - play
the entire scale extremely slowly to a beat - 4
beats per note - everyday - at the same hour each
day - 15 minutes non-stop each day
36Left-hand Scale Mastery Step 5 (cont)
- Play Extremely Slowly To A Beat method
- Play Extremely Slowly means - 4 beats per note
- Do two Octaves C to C to C - ascending and
descending - Finally to watch the complimentary video to this
ebook click here http//www.play4church.com/!10s
- Am proud of you!
- You should be extremely proud of yourself for
making it this far by faith and perseverance - Well done!
- Do continue your journey by sharing what you
learned with everyone who will listen - Its the
best way to really understand everything - Now practice, practice, practice until you cant
get it wrong! - From my heart to yours
- Alexon Fergus