Title: Skeleton Candles (1)
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2Geometric Candles
At Geometric Candles we take pride in our
workfrom the beginning stages of design to the
finished product. Every piece has been
artisticallydesigned with a modern twist. We use
everyday objectsand incorporate a multifaceted
design to bring outthe unique lines of each
object thats created.These designs add a
distinctive touch to the everydaydécor.Inspired
by the average fox this artisticallydesigned
candle was created, "Foxy."
3Bear Skeleton Candle
Dont be fooled by the wax exterior and yummy
look of this colossal Gummi bear candle. Strike a
match and watch this Gummi bear in the shadows of
darkness.Weighing in at 3 pounds this Gummi bear
of hot molten wax will slowly reveal the metallic
skeleton. Watch as the intense fire blazes
through the eyes!
4Skull Candle Holder
Hand crafted with the highest quality material
this skull comes in two different styles. Each
skull is hand made by our in-house designer who
has unique talent for art. No two skulls will be
alike, but will be very similar to one pictured
above. The bottom of each skull will have a felt
tip pad to protect the surface of most objects
that it's placed on. Please allow a 1 week for
your order to be created as these are hand made
5Candle Box Subsription
Grapefruit Mangosteen - A blend of ripe tangy
grapefruit and Mangosteen an exotic fruit that
is citrusy and sweet with a hint of peach.
6About us
Skeleton Candles 437 Ohio Ave Richmond, CA,
94804 We are actively seeking distribution.
Please send an email and we're happy to
help! email info_at_skeletoncandles.com phone