Title: Jacob Jackson of Miami Envisions Chiropractic Network
1Jacob Jackson of Miami Envisions Chiropractic
Jacob Jackson of Miami is driven by his vision of
expanding professional chiropractic services in
the Miami area. A newly certified and licensed
chiropractor himself, Jackson is young and
ambitious. His vision is to form a chiropractic
network of skilled professionals with a variety
of specialized abilities, connected by a common
vision pain relief through manual therapy, with
an emphasis on healthful lifestyle practices.
Jacob Jackson of Miami has established his
chiropractic career in Miami, Florida, after
completing his chiropractic studies with a Doctor
of Chiropractic degree from Life University of
Marietta, Georgia.
2Jacob Jackson of Miami Learned Benefit of
Jacob Jackson of Miami became convinced of the
value of chiropractic therapy as an athletic
teen. An active and enthusiastic participant in
multiple sports in high school, Jackson played
shortstop on the baseball team in the spring and
summer, tight end in football in the fall, and
was always open to a pick-up game of basketball
at the Y or in the park near his home. Jacob
Jackson of Miami developed a commitment to
chiropractic intervention at a young age, and a
curiosity about the source of the relief he felt.
Upon graduation, Jackson was convinced that work
as a chiropractic practitioner was his destiny.
3Jacob Jackson of Miami Learns Skydiving in Miami
Jacob Jackson of Miami enrolled in skydiving
school at Miami Skydiving Center in
Kendal/Tamiami Airport. Located 20 minutes from
downtown Miami, the 2-mile-high jump gives the
diver a beautiful view of downtown Miami,
Biscayne Bay, and miles of South Florida. Had
Jackson not been excited about this new sport, he
would have been committed after the breathtaking
jump over Miami. Since relocating to Miami, Jacob
Jackson of Miami has cultivated a variety of new
interests in his spare time, and has found a new
sport in skydiving. Andre Jacques Garnerin was
the first man to successfully descend through the
air with a canvas canopy. Garnerin utilized a
small basket connected to a hot-air balloon.
Leslie Irvin made the first intentional freefall
with a ripcord deployed chute in 1919.
4Jacob Jackson of Miami Sports Massage Therapy
Jacob Jackson of Miami had the benefit of a
supportive Mom to introduce him to chiropractic
relief for his spinal pain. A family hot tub was
added to the familys back yard gazebo, and
Jackson made appointments for sports massage
therapy. He began to feel much more flexible and
comfortable during his practices and
competitions, and experimented with the best
times and locations for therapy. Jackson was
drawn to several aspects of the profession
helping fellow athletes through chiropractic and
a sports medicine specialty, the economic
prospects for a successful career, and the
enthusiastic support of his friends and family.
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