Title: Research on Pig-breeding Industry in China, 2014
1Research on Pig-breeding Industry in China, 2014
2Report Description
- During 2006-2013, the amount of pig on hand
increased steadily from 419 million in 2006 to
469 million in 2013, with compound annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 1.6 in China The
pig-slaughtering amount kept fast growth (except
2007 and 2011) from 612 million in 2006 to 716
million in 2013, with compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 2.27. - During 2010-2013, generally, the amount of
reproductive sows on hand fluctuated largely
between quarters in China, since 2012, the growth
rate over the same quarter of last year has
apparently slipped. At the end of the third
quarter of 2013, the amount of reproductive sows
on hand amounted to 150.16 million, up 1.17 over
the same period of last year. - Report Available _at_
- http//www.bigmarketresearch.com/research-on-pig-b
3Report Description
- The pig-slaughtering amount and the amount of pig
on hand in Sichuan, Hunan, Henan, and Shandong
have ranked the top four for many years
continually, and they are the main provinces for
pig-breeding in China. - During 2006-2013, the output of meat in China
increased progressively in general, increasing
from 70.89 million ton in 2006 to 85.36 million
ton in 2013, with compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 2.40. - The ration of pork output in meat is stable
generally the production and consumption of meat
in China take pork as primary, and beef, mutton
and the meat of poultry as supplementary.
4Report Description
- The proportion of pork in total meat output is
large, it was over 66 all the time before 2006,
dropped to the lowest point (62) in 2007,
returned to 63 in 2008, and further recovered to
64 since 2009. - Basically high-end pig-breeding follows such
principles as Pollution-free water and feed,
take the natural raw materials as primary,
carefully and long-time breeding, large
investment, so as to produce tasty green pork. - At present, generally, the market for high-end
pork concentrated in Beijing, Qingdao, Guagzhou
etc developed cities with consumption power, and
the marketing of high-end pork is not mature yet,
however the future market space is vast. To some
extent, it is the consumption habits of residents
that restrict the extension of high-end market.
5Table of Content
1. Pig-breeding Industry Chain 1.1 Definition 1.2
Scope 1.3 Upstream Downstream of Industry 2.
Development Environment of Pig-breeding
Industry 2.1 Macroeconomic Environment 2.2 Policy
Environment 2.3 Technical Environment 2.4 Social
Environment 3. Market Operation of Pig-breeding
Industry 3.1 Current Status of Pig-breeding
Industry Development 3.1.1 Business Mode 3.1.2
Market Scale 3.1.3 Current Status of Supply and
6Table of Content
4. Analysis on Upstream Feed Industry
Development 4.1 Global Market 4.2 Domestic
Market 4.2.1 Formula Feed Market 5. Current
Status of Downstream Market 5.1 Business Model in
Pig-slaughtering and Meat-processing
Industry 5.1.1 Single Slaughtering and
Processing 5.1.2 Company Base Pig Farmers 6.
Competitiveness Analysis on Pig-breeding
industry 6.1 Porters Five Forces Analysis 6.1.1
Bargaining Power of Feed Suppliers 6.1.2
Bargaining Power of Processors and Retailers For
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7Table of Content
7. Analysis on Import Export of Pig in
China 7.1 Import Export Volume and Amount 7.2
Import Sources 7.3 Export Destinations 8. Key
Enterprises in Pig-breeding Industry 8.1
Shuanghui Group 8.1.1 Company Profile 8.1.2
Operation Conditions 8.1.3 Competitiveness 9.
Market Prospect for Pork Industry in China 9.1
Prospect for Pig-breeding Industry, 2014 9.2 Risk
Analysis 9.2.1 Disease
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