Title: Baby Disposable Diaper Industry in China 2014 Research
1Research and Forecast of China Baby Disposable
Diaper Market, 2014-2018
Published Date February 2014
No. of Pages 73
Price Single User US 1800
Corporate User US 2700
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Research and Forecast of China Baby Disposable
Diaper Market, 2014-2018 in subject line and your
contact details. Research and
Forecast of China Baby Disposable Diaper Market,
2014-2018 mainly analyzes market status of baby
disposable diaper in China, supply and demand,
import and export, business performances of major
domestic and foreign enterprises, meanwhile
offers suggestions for baby diaper industry, so
as to make enterprises know this industry better
and provide decision-making references for
investors. In China, baby disposable diaper
market started late, but it has a strong
development momentum. Its application has widely
spread from first-and second-tier cities to towns
and rural areas. The output of disposable diapers
was about 20 billion pieces in China. At present,
more than 90 of babies aged 0-2 in large and
medium-sized cities used the disposable diapers.
In medium and small-sized cities, as well as
affluent rural areas, the cheap disposable
diapers are gradually expanding the market.
Compared with developed countries, however, the
penetration rate of Chinas baby disposable
diapers is low, reaching about 45, while the
penetration rate of baby disposable diapers in
developed countries has reached 95. Browse
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3Research and Forecast of China Baby Disposable
Diaper Market, 2014-2018
Currently, there are numerous producers in
Chinas disposable diaper market, but the
national brands are few and the brand
concentration is low. According to relevant data,
the top ten baby disposable diaper brands in
China are HUGGIES, Pampers, Mamy Poko, Merries,
GOON, Anerle, Fitti, Sealer, Chiaus and Pigeon.
The sales volume of the Top 10 disposable diaper
manufacturers accounts for about 70 of total
sales volume. In recent years, with the
increasing purchasing power of Chinese people and
the changing of childcare concepts, disposable
diaper market has been keeping a rapid growth
momentum with the growth rate exceeding 20.
According to the statistics by Yearbook of China
Paper-making Industry, the market scale of
Chinas baby disposable diaper in 2012 stood at
CNY 22 billion, and the market scale in 2013 also
remained double-digit growth. Chinese large
population base and the fourth baby boom bring
about huge growth space for baby disposable
diaper market, so it is predicted that Chinas
baby disposable diaper market will remain
double-digit growth in next five years. Table Of
Contents 1. Overview of Baby Disposable Diaper
Industry1.1 Industry Definition, Classification
and Consumption Characteristics1.1.1
Definition1.1.2 Product Classification1.1.3
Consumption Characteristics1.2 Development
History of Baby Disposable Diaper Industry
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4Research and Forecast of China Baby Disposable
Diaper Market, 2014-2018
2. Environment Analysis of Chinas Baby
Disposable Diaper Industry2.1 Chinas Economic
Development Environment2.2 Relevant Policies,
Regulations and Standards 3. Status Analysis of
Chinas Baby Disposable Diaper Industry3.1
Status Quo3.2 Product Supply 3.3 Demand 3.4
Price 3.5 Competitive Landscape of Baby
Disposable Diaper Industry3.5.1 Market
Concentration3.5.2 Brand Pattern 4. Import and
Export of Chinas Baby Disposable Diaper4.1
Import Export Volume and Import Export
Amount4.2 Major Import Sources of Chinas Baby
Disposable Diapers 5. Upstream and Downstream
Development5.1 Upstream Analysis 5.2 Downstream
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5Research and Forecast of China Baby Disposable
Diaper Market, 2014-2018
Complete report is available_at_ http//www.reportsnr
l . 7. Competitiveness Analysis of Chinas Major
Baby Disposable Diaper Enterprises7.1 HENGAN
Group7.1.1 Company Profile7.1.2 Business
Performance7.1.3 Competitive Edges7.1.4
Development Strategy7.2 Everbeauty Industry
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 7.2.1 Company Profile7.2.2
Business Performance7.2.3 Competitive
Edges7.2.4 Development Strategy7.3 Zhejiang
Huashun Polyester Co., Ltd. 7.3.1 Company
Profile7.3.2 Business Performance7.3.3
Development Strategy7.4 Dongguan White Swan
Paper Products Co., Ltd. 7.4.1 Company
Profile7.4.2 Business Performance7.4.3
Development Strategy7.5 Beijing Beishute
Maternity Child Articles Co., Ltd. 7.5.1
Company Profile7.5.2 Business Performance7.5.3
Development Strategy
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6Research and Forecast of China Baby Disposable
Diaper Market, 2014-2018
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com/purchase.aspx?name275019 . 9. Industry
Experts Investment Analysis on Chinas Baby
Disposable Diaper Industry9.1 Investment
Opportunities9.1.1 Policy9.1.2 Per Capita
Income9.1.3 Consumption9.2 Investment
Risks9.2.1 Intensifying Low-end Competition
9.2.2 Crude Oil Price Fluctuations9.2.3 Human
Resources9.2.4 Management Risks9.3 Development
Proposals for Baby Disposable Diaper
Industry9.3.1 Cultivate Professional
Talents9.3.2 Diversified and Differentiated
Products9.3.3 Product Development and
Production9.3.4 Build Alliance with Raw Material
Production Companies9.3.5 Develop Disposable
Diaper Consumer Market Contact sales_at_reportsandrep
orts.com / Call 1 888 391 5441 for further
information on Research and Forecast of China
Baby Disposable Diaper Market, 2014-2018 report
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needs you may have for your business.
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