Title: Careers In Leather Technology
Leather Technology
Job Prospects
The Indian leather industry which is the fourth
largest export industry in the world, is growing
by leaps and bounds. India not only exports
leather goods and footwear to western countries,
but leather is also consumed in large quantities
by the domestic market. It is one of the largest
foreign exchange earners for the country. With
more and more multinationals coming to India,
this industry is poised to become a hi-tech one.Â
3Job Prospects
Leather technology is a career most suited for
those with creative talent as it is a field which
has great role in our fashion conscious world.
Career areas in this industry can be categorized
as designing, technical and marketing. Depending
upon the interest and aptitude one can choose the
area most suited. Designing in leather industry
involves creating and developing new and
up-to-date patterns, keeping in mind the fashion
trends. Technical side deals with manufacture or
production. The manufacturing process of leather
products begins in the tanneries and leather
factories, where production managers supervise
the tanning and treatment of animal skins which
preserve the leather and make it soft and
Government Polytechnic, Mumbai,Mumbai ,
Maharashtra. Central Footwear Training
Institute,Uttar Pradesh - Other , Uttar
Pradesh. Indira Gandhi National Open University,
School of Engineering Technology,New Delhi ,
Delhi NCR. Karnataka Institute of Leather
Technology,Bangalore / Bengalooru , Karnataka.