Title: Cloud versus physical cluster
1Cloud Versus Cluster
- When creating distributed systems
- How do you decide
- cloud versus physical cluster ?
- Or a hybrid system ?
- What factors need to be considered ?
- What open source systems might be used ?
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2Cloud Versus Cluster - Factors
- How do you decide cloud versus cluster ?
- What factors need to be considered ?
- Cost
- Security
- Data volumes / velocity
- Data peak / scaling
- Other ?
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3Cloud Versus Cluster Costs
- What Costs do you need to consider ?
- For public cloud
- For private cluster
- For hybrid
- Are there tax implications ?
- Are there costs benefits due to location ?
- What about about end of life for your systems ?
- Moving data
- Mothballing systems
- Any vendor lock in ?
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4Cloud Versus Cluster Costs - Cluster
- What are the costs / issues for a physical
cluster ? - Hardware
- Hardware failures
- Energy rental / location costs
- Personnel
- End of life costs
- Data transmission
- Networking
- Tax and tax benefits
- Other ?
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5Cloud Versus Cluster Costs - Cloud
- What are the costs / issues for a cloud based
cluster ? - Depends on type used .. i.e. IaaS
- Depends on data volumes
- Consider data transmission
- Personnel some but less than cluster
- End of life costs Important !
- Costs to move data !!
- Vendor lockin
- Tax and tax benefits
- Other ?
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6Cloud Versus Cluster Security
- How important is security to you ?
- Is your public cloud secure ?
- Can you guarantee that ?
- Perhaps consider a private cloud
- Or a hybrid public private cloud ?
- How resilient / available is the resource ?
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7Cloud Versus Cluster Data Volumes
- The next two slides consider data volumes
- What about resource scaling ?
- Especially for the internet of things ( IoT )
- Potentially expect large demand peaks
- Need to scale up as well as down
- Also, scaling needs to follow resource demand
- Dont want to be over scaled
- Dont want to be under scaled
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8Peak Data Demand
- The diagram below expresses the idea that
- Periodic demand can be many times average ( i.e.
IoT ) - This places pressure on the software stack for
- Queueing, processing, storage
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9Project Resource Allocation Over Time
- The diagram below expresses the idea that
- Resource supply to a project will not meet demand
exactly - There will be under and over supply
- Unused or unavailable resources waste money
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10Cloud Versus Cluster Architecture
- What open sourced systems might be used ?
- Mesos will help with
- Resource sharing and management
- Brooklyn will help with
- Deployment modelling / monitoring
- Will allow multiple cloud deploys
- Cloud Stack will help with
- Cloud creation / virtualisation
- See other presentations here ..
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11Cloud Versus Cluster Summary
- Decide what factors are important to you i.e.
- Is security more important than cost ?
- Does IoT mean that auto scaling is required ?
- Consider how you will deploy to cloud / cluster
- Consider end of life
- Create a cost model at start of project
- To consider all cost factors
- To justify your decision
- Because every project instance will differ !
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12Available Books
- See Big Data Made Easy
- Apress / Springer Jan 2015
- See Mastering Apache Spark
- Packt Oct 2015
- Find the author on Amazon
- www.amazon.com/Michael-Frampton/e/B00NIQDOOM/
- Connect on LinkedIn
- nz.linkedin.com/pub/mike-frampton/20/630/385
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13Contact Us
- Feel free to contact us at
- www.semtech-solutions.co.nz
- info_at_semtech-solutions.co.nz
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- We are always interested in
- New technology
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- Technology based issues
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