Title: I've been there_India_Agra_Taj Mahal
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3History. Shah Jahan ruled between 1628 to 1658.
The name Shah Jahan comes from Persian meaning
"King of the World". As Prince he was named
Khurram Shihab-ud-din Muhammad At the age of
fifteen, was to marry Arjumand Banu Begum, the
grand daughter of a Persian noble, who was 14
years old at the time. They would have to wait
five years before they were married in 1612, on a
date selected by the court astrologers. After
their wedding celebrations, Shah Jahan felt she
is so precious to him and he gave her title
Mumtaz Mahal which meant Jewel of the
Palace Mumtaz traveled with Shah Jahan's
throughout his military campaigns and she was
his trusted confidant. Mumtaz died in Burhanpur
(in the Deccan) during the birth of their
fourteenth child (a daughter). Her body remained
at Burhanpur for 23 years until the Taj was
completed, when her coffin was shifted to Taj
Mahal. Shah Jahan as he promised built a
mausoleum, which shows his love and affection
towards her. Soon, after Taj completion , Shah
Jahan was dethroned by his son Aurangzeb and was
put under house arrest at Agra fort. He passed
his last days viewing the Taj Mahal from Agra
fort. After his death, Aurangzeb buried him in
the mausoleum next to his wife Mumtaz.
Some facts
-period of construction 1632-1653(22
years).-location Agra, Uttar Pradesh,
India.-number of workers involved more than
20,000.-over 1000 elephants used. -the material
was brought in from all over India and
central Asia -architecture Indo-Islamic a blend
of Indian and Persian
-during Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Taj Mahal
was disfigured, was chiseled out precious
stones from walls..-in the 19th century the
British viceroy Lord Curzon, declared a
restoration project for Taj Mahal, which was
completed by 1908. -the name Taj Mahal when
translated means "Crown of the Palace."
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6Santier în lucru
Work in progress
by leostarkoneru
by leostarkoneru
7Explicatii constructive
Structural explanations
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10Taj Mahal se sprijina pe sute de puturi de peste
12m umplute cu pietris si întarite cu lemn din
loc în loc
The Taj Mahal stands on hundreds of shafts over
12 meters deep filled with gravel and reinforced
with wood here and there
11In 07.07.07 Taj Mahal was declared one of the 7
new world wonders
12Satellite view
13Aerial view
14Aerial view with the Agra in background.
15Vedere din orasul Agra View from the city of Agra
16A photo taken by John Murray in 1858 O
fotografie facuta de John Murray în 1858
17Photograph by John L. Staddard taken in 1901
18In 1942 the government erected a scaffolding
against possible air raids.
19Soldati americani 1942
American solders - 1942
20Taj Mahal 1965 remembrance
21Vederi panoramice
Panoramic views
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26Rasarit de soare Sun rise
27A misty morning.
28Lake reflection.
29Reflectie în Yamuna
Yamuna reflection
30Yamuna ritual \
31O carte postala ilustrata veche si Un old
postcard and
32una noua a new one
33Un old stamp and
a new one
34Left bank, before the monsoon
35In the evening, the last tourists leave
36View from the left bank, with sun set
37Camels caravan on Yamuna River
38Harvesting near the Taj Mahal
39Sun set.
40A room with a view towards the Taj Mahal
41View from the left bank, from the front of the
42Silhouette during sun set.
43Taj Mahal on a Moonlit Night Taj Mahal într-o
noapte cu luna
44A less usual view.
45O alta imagine la fel de neobisnuita
Another unusual view
O alta imagine la fel de neobisnuita
46Reflection in Yamuna, downstream
47Evening silhouette with flying birds
48Sunset at Taj Mahal Un example of wallpaper
utilised by PC users.
49Taj Mahal seen fron Red Fort (1965)
50Shah Jahans unfulfilled dream of building a
black marble mausoleum on the left bank.
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58The actual dome.
59Domul vazut dintr-un minaret
The dome seen from a minaret
60Facade inferior part.
61The cupola of the dome
62A side of the octogon
63The facade view toward Jawab
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65Intrarea pe la 1900
Intrarea pe la 1900
Entrance cca. 1900
66Entrance (in 1982)
67Entrance seen from the inside.
68Galleries from the entrance.
69The shoes wardrobe.
71View facing Yamuna, before the monsoon
72View facing Yamuna, after the monsoon.
73Family vising Taj Mahal.
74Group photo at the Taj Mahal 1965
75Garden of the Taj Mahal has water, pathways and a
geometric design typical of a paradise garden.
76Garden cca. 1870
77Interiorul domului
Interior of the dome
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79Tavanul domului The ceiling
of the dome
80Intrarea vazuta din interior Entrance seen
from the inside
81The 2 cenotaphs with the screen surrounding
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83Cenotaphss ansamble.
84Paravanul din jurul celor doua cenotafuri
The screen surrounding the two cenotaphs
85Cenotaph seen through the screen made of
perforated marble
86Detaliu paravan, cu incrustatii si marmora
perforata. Details of the screen, with inlays and
perforated marble.
87Protection screen (instaled after 2008)
Grilajul de protectie (instalat dupa 2008)
88Coborârea la morminte
Descent towards the graves
89The graves of Shah Jahan and Muntaz Mahal.
90Low-reliefs details
91Inlay details
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93Texte din Coran Transcripts from the Coran
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96Details of perforated marble (jalii)
98Mosque - Silhouette during sun set Moschea
Silueta la asfintit
99Moschea vazuta de pe platforma superioara a
domului Mosque seen from the upper platform of
the dome
100Interior of the mosque wit mihrab (a niche in a
mosque's wall facing Mecca) and minbar (platform
from which the Imam addresses the congregation).
101Some of the 569 places of prayer rugs in the
102Mosque ceiling.
103Jawab (answer or reply) a mirror emage
construction, identical with the mosque, for an
architectural balance, used as a guesthouse
during the mogul times.
104Jawab ceiling.
105Tourists at the Jawab
106One of eight pavilions (chhatri) from the mosque
and jawab
107Lucrari de reparatii si întretinere Repair and
maintenance works
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Smochin germinat pe cupola domului
Germinated fig on the top of the dome
120He risks a 20 m drop to remove a mutinous plant.
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